Friday, 31 May 2013


You are fearfully and wonderfully made,
Created in the image of  the Lord most high,
You are created for signs and wonders,
Made to declare the glory of God.

You are uniquely made,
A chosen generation,
A royal priesthood, a holy nation,
A peculiar people that you may
Declare the praise of His name.

There is one glory of the Sun,
And another glory of the moon,
And another glory of stars,
But star differs from star in glory.

God created you to be you,                                          
Do not try to change the plan
Of God for your life, do not
Be someone else, do not copy,
God created you to be original
And not counterfeit.

We all differ in glory,
God created us differently
And uniquely, do not envy others,
Do not be distracted copying others,
Remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

By- Bolatito

© (Bolatito .c. Peter)  ( 2013)
All right reserved.

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TEXT: JOHN 4:4-15, JOHN 7:38
What do you understand by the word “the living water?” Living means when something is alive or when something has life.
Therefore “living water” refers to running, moving, flowing, healthy water which support life. This type of water is safe for drinking, and for other things we use water for.
The opposite of living water is still stagnant water, which can cause diseases, instead of good health.
Water is essential in human living. It is vital for drinking, cooking, cleaning and so on. No human being can live without water; you can hardly do your day to day living without water. The maximum you can stay without water is between five to ten days.
In the same vein, Spiritual water is also essential for believers so that they can grow and be spiritually healthy. Spiritual water helps to nourish  believers body, soul and spirit. A believer that refuses to drink the spiritual water will always be thirsty of satisfactions that are to be derived from God, he will also be spiritually stagnant like the still water. Such person will be spiritually weak and unhealthy. The spiritual satisfactions that are meant to be derived from God cannot be gotten from any other source. A lot of people have tried to search elsewhere for this satisfaction, but they ended up not satisfied.

Jesus told the woman at the well that if she drinks from the water from the well, she would still be thirsty, but if she drinks from the living water which only he can give, she would not be thirsty forever. This explain why those people that goes around looking for satisfaction outside God end up becoming more thirsty, because it is only God that can satisfy our needs. “Thirst” in this context can be explained as longing for something, or searching for solution or a way out of a particular situation.
Jesus has given out the invitation in Isaiah 55:1. He is the only one that can quench our “thirst” that we will never be thirsty again. He is the only one that can satisfy us.crave for the living water today so that you will be satisfied.

  • The “living water” means the Holy Spirit (John 7:38-39) if you accept to drink from the living water, the Holy Spirit would indwell and empower you to do great exploit.

  • The living water makes you a new creature, by wiping away your past, give you a new beginning in God and a hope for better future.

  • The living water makes the presence of God to be evident in your life, because Jesus promise that spring of living water will flow from within us. (John 7:38)

  • The living water enables you to do the unusual.

  • The living water gives you peace and comfort from God. (John 14:27)

  • Assurance of eternal life (John 6:63)

  • Boldness to do things you cannot do with your own ability. (Act 10:38)

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Thursday, 30 May 2013


Cast thy bread upon the waters,
Leave the increase to the Lord,
Just aim to be faithful,
And He will keep His words.

Don't worry 'bout the wind and clouds,
Just sow the Gospel seed,
In the morning and the evening,
Look around and see the need.

The fields are white to harvest,
Woe to those who are at ease,
While souls perish in the darkness,
So this precious moments seize

To tell others of your Saviour,
Before it is too late,
Cast thy bread upon the waters,
And do not hesitate.

After many days, you'll find it,
And when you meet your king,
You will come rejoicing
And many sheaves you'll bring.

Author- Joy Patterson.

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When I don't know the next step to take,
Unto thee, o Lord, I will cry,
For thou hast promised to instruct and to teach,
You've said you'd guide me with thine eye.

If I trust thee with all of my heart,
Unto my own understanding not lean,
In all my ways acknowledge thee, Lord,
You'll direct all my paths, yet unseen.

You'll guide my steps in thy words,
You'll order my stops, Lord, as well,
You'll lead me on safety and I
Will your love and faithfulness tell.

Lead me in a plain path, I pray,
I ask for the old paths, o Lord,
The good way, wherein I may walk,
According to thy precious word.

You'll lead me in paths that are right,
And your presence will cheer me each day,
My strength and my shield you will be,
My shepherd on this narrow way.

Author- Joy Patterson.

"I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shall go: I will guide thee with mine eye"
                                                                                                                            Psalm 32:8
"Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest
                            Jeremiah 6:16

"Trust in  the lord with all thine heart; and learn not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." 
                                                     Proverbs 3:5-6

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Tuesday, 28 May 2013


We do not know what this new year
Will hold for you and me,
For God has kindly drawn a veil
O'er the future and we can't see

What blessing or trial lie ahead,
But this we can discern,
That the lord in His grace and mercy,
Has precious lessons for us to learn.
He teaches us that the unknown way
Is under His control,
He knoweth every step we'll take,
So upon your Lord now roll

All your care, fears, anxiety,
He hath made and He will bear
you upon His shoulders, safe, secure,
And He'll carry all your care.

But another lesson He would teach
Step by step along the way,
Don't worry about the future, child,
Just trust Him for today.

He'll give you grace, He'll give you strength,
And courage for every task,
Whate'er your need, He will supply,
And don't forget to ask
For grace to help in time of need,

For He will take care of you,
And day by day as you prove your Lord,
Don't forget to thank Him, too.

So the unknown future, yet known to Him,
Will be lived in God's own way,
By not worrying over tomorrow,
But trusting Him for every day.

Author- Joy Patterson

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No drunkard shall inherit
The place so bright and fair,
No idolater, nor covetous
Unrepentant, shall enter there.

Adulterers are excluded,
Thieves and liars as well,
No extortionist admitted,
No revilers there shall dwell.

For nought that difileth
Can ever enter in,
For in God's holy kingdom,
There is no place for sin.

Only those who are repentant
And washed as white as snow
In Jesus' precious Blood
Can into the kingdom go.

Only those who have received
The Saviour as their own,
Can join the ransomed hosts
In worship around God's throne.

Only those in whom God's Spirit
Has forever come to stay
To sanctify them wholly,
Those who trust and will obey

And do the Father's will,
Not merely say, "Lord, Lord,"
But who follow their Lord and master,
According to His will.
Only those born from above
Shall God's kingdom one day, see,
Only those whom the saviour
Has from their sins set free.

These, saved by grace, shall inherit
That kingdom bright and fair,
God says, " Be not deceived,"
Friend, will you enter there?

Author- Joy Patterson

"And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, 
neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie,
but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life."
                                       Revelation 21:27

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Monday, 27 May 2013


You were bought with a price,
Not with Silver not with Gold,
Neither with Ruby nor Diamond .
You were bought with a price,
A price that no one else can pay.

You were not bought with precious stone,
But with the precious blood of Jesus.
You were bought with uncommon blood,
That does uncommon wonders.

You were bought with a price,
That is  far expensive than
Silver, Gold, Ruby and Diamond.
You treasure Silver, you cherish Gold,
You appreciate Ruby, and you esteem Diamond.

None of these things can be equated
with the precious blood of Jesus.
You were bought not with Silver, Gold, Ruby or Diamond.
But with the blood of the lamb.

You were bought with a price,
The price that you cannot pay.
Therefore you own not yourself,
Your life belongs to the one that paid the price.

You have been bought by Jesus,
He owns your everything!
Your entire life is his,
Esteem the precious blood of the lamb,
more than Silver, Gold, Ruby and Diamond.

By -Bolatito

© (Bolatito .c. Peter)  ( 2013)
All right reserved.

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Saturday, 25 May 2013


Neither give place to the devil,
No, not for a minute or hour,
for he walketh about as a Lion,
Seeking whom he may devour.

Neither give place to the devil,
Give him no room in your home,
For he'll draw you away from the lord,
From your Shepherd, you'll sadly roam.

Neither give place to the devil,
Let no one keep you from prayer,
It's as vital to your christian life,
as physically breathing in air.

Neither give place to the devil,
Let nothing keep you from God's word,
It's your food to strengthen and quicken,
It will keep you from sin, saith the Lord.

Neither give praise to the devil,
For you are bought with a price,
Even the blood of your precious Saviour,
Be not ignorant of the devil's device.

Author- Joy Patterson

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Friday, 24 May 2013


Come, for all things are now ready,
There is nothing more to be done,
Salvation's work has been finished,
Sin's debt paid in full by God's Son.

Come, for all things are now ready,
O sinner no longer delay,
And boast not thyself of tomorrow,
When the Lord is calling today.

Come, for all things are now ready,
lest God's Spirit strive nevermore,
And your heart is left cold and silent,
And fast closed is salvation's door.

Come, for all things are now ready, 
As the minutes are ticking away,
And eternity draws ever closer,
If ye hear His voice, come today.

Author- Joy Patterson.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013


  TEXT: 2 KINGS 4: 8-36
The Shunammite woman was well-to- do. She accommodated Prophet Elisha in her house. Elisha in his quest to reciprocate her kindness asked the woman what she wanted. Elisha made a decree that she would have a son the following year, this came to pass and the boy grew. One day the boy fell sick and died. The mother saw that the boy had died, told her husband to send a servant and a donkey, so that she could go to see the man of God.
When the husband asked her why she wanted to see the prophet, she replied positively that “it’s all right” (vs 23) generally speaking, a woman that her son had just died is not expected to say such a calm word like that, but she maintained her peace, and she refused to speak negatively into to the negative situation.
When she got to the man of God, she was asked “Are you all right? Is your husband all right? Is your child all right?” (vs 26)  a very crucial lesson from this woman is that, no matter what we may be going through, we should always make positive confession to any negative situation in our lives. She was asked “is your child all right? That question should have made her to break down and start saying negative things, yet she maintained her positive confession. At the end of the story; the dead child came back to life. (Thank God for power of positive mind)
As believers, the scripture says “there is power of life and death in our tongues. (Proverbs 18:21) Whatever you say with your mouth will come to pass. Another lesson from the woman is that when you confess positively to a negative situation, the negative situation responds positively. This means that when things are not going on well, if you confess positive things during the unpleasant situation, the situation will turn to favour you.
Do not be overwhelmed with any unpleasant situation to the extent of confessing negative things like placing a curse on yourself, or speaking bad things to yourself. The lord said in the book of numbers that “I will do unto you just as your mouth has spoken.”
Positive confession can change the negative situation in your life. Confess positively!

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Tuesday, 21 May 2013


I am the way, he says to his children,
Turn back from the way of destruction,
He advised.
Wide is the gate and broad is the road,
That leads to destruction.

Enter through the narrow gate,
He called to his children,
There is a way that seem right
Unto man, but the end is the way of death.

No one can go unto father,
Except through this only way.
The world may be showing you
An alternative way,
Friends may be telling you
There’s a short cut.

The short cut may be broad and smooth,
But the end of it is eternal damnation
And gnashing of teeth.
The wide way leads to eternal damnation,
The narrow way leads to eternal life.

Think of this before you make a choice,
What shall it profit a man if he gains
The whole world, and lose his soul?

I lay before you today life and death,
Choose life so that you may live.
Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life
No one can come unto the father
Except through me”

Behold I stand at the door and knock,
If any man hear my voice and open the door,
I will come in to him.
Accept the great call to salvation today,
Tomorrow may be too late.

By: Bolatito

© (Bolatito .c. Peter)  ( 2013)
All right reserved.

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How can I forget the journey
you took for me?
How can I forget the price
you paid for me?

How can I forget the ill treatment
you went through for my sake?
How can I forget the one that
took my sin and shame?

How can i forget the innocent
lamb of God?
How can I forget the one that
paid with his blood the ransom
for my sin?

How can I forget the one that
gave his all for me?
How can I forget your journey to the cross
of Calvary?

How can I forget the one that
gave his life for me, that i may
live for him?
How can I forget your
unfailing love?

By: Bolatito 

© (Bolatito .c. Peter)  ( 2013)
All right reserved.

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Monday, 20 May 2013


 TEXT- JUDGES 13:2-5, 24, JUDGES 16: 1, 4, 1 SAMUEL 2: 30-32
God created each and every one of us with the plan to make us His “master piece”. He wants us to be useful vessels for His glory. His plan and purpose for us is of good and not of evil. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Despite the fact that God has great and wonderful plan for us, we have a part to play for His plan and purpose to come to pass in our lives. You don’t have to say because God has shown you were He is taking you to; that you don’t need to walk in obedience to His commandments anymore.
You need to be obedient and walk in His ways so that He will direct you to your destiny.

God is a faithful God; He does not say what He will not do, He is not a man that He should lie. For Him to fulfil His promise; you need to play your own part, which is obedience. The text (Judges 13:2-5) tells us the purpose of God for Samson; he was to be a great vessel of honour in the hand of his maker. God wanted to use him to deliver the Israelite from the Philistines, but his lust for women made him to become the captive. He exchanged his destiny for lust of the eye and reckless way of life.

Samson was strong physically; he was able to kill a lion with his bare hands, he was able to kill thousands with the jaw bone of an animal, but he was spiritually weak. He could not overcome the lust in his life, his reckless way of life cost him his destiny and he died a terrible death.
A lot of people are in Samson’s shoes, the plan and purpose of God for their lives was to be tools in the hands of God, but because of their reckless way of life, lust, impatience, lack of perseverance, and inability to subdue their flesh, they ended up trading their destiny to the devil.

A lot of celebrities started from church. Instead of them to use their God given talents to the glory of God, they traded it for “VAIN GLORY” that will last but for a moment. The devil gives people vain glory that does not last, and rob them of their destiny. The other text (1 Samuel 2:30-32) talked about the children of Eli the prophet. God promised him that his house and his father’s house would minister before Him forever; He said that they will live to their old age, but because of the way Eli’s children were behaving, God was forced to change His mind against Eli’s household.

Eli’s children became so bad that they have no respect for God; they do as they wanted without honouring God. God placed a curse on them and their generation to come. Eli’s children died on the same day, their destiny was traded for untimely death. (1 Peter 5:8) says that your enemy the devil prowls up and down like a roaring Lion, looking for whom to devour. The devil is not resting; he is seriously on “recruiting exercise” to his kingdom. He does not want to see any believer to fulfil destiny, because he missed his own destiny by equalising himself with God. What he was unable to achieve; he does not want believers to achieve too. You have to put the devil to shame by taking extra care to guide your destiny.

For every of God’s promise; there is a condition. You need to meet the condition before you can get the promise. The kind of life you live can erode you of your blessing, and it can also accelerate the fulfilment of your destiny. Live your life to meet the plan and purpose of God. Live to please Him; so that He can please you in return.

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Thursday, 16 May 2013


If you lay up treasures in Heaven,
You may be considered a wee bit odd!
But though many things are changing,
Not so, the word of God.

The command is still in Mathew,
It shall not pass away,
Keep your eyes upon eternity,
Not just on the present day.

The moth will eat the fabric,
The rust corrupt and mar,
The thieves will steal your treasure,
And carry it afar.

But in the place called Heaven,
You won't need an insurance plan,
No anti-rust, nor anti-theft,
Nor moth-killer can!

For where your treasure is, we read,
Your heart will be there, too,
How much, then, have you laid up
In the place prepared for you?

Or will you, one day, have regret
That you spent money and energy,
Only for the things of time,
And not eternity?

Author- Joy Patterson.

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Tuesday, 14 May 2013

There were no back doors in the ark,
there was just one door on the side,
And for all the creatures that came
That door was sufficiently wide

To receive and welcome them there,
As they obey the lord's call
to come right into the ark,
'Ere the rain of judgement did fall.

The lord Jesus said "I am the door,"
And he also said "I am the way,"
There is no other offering for sin,
And no other saviour today.

So come as you are,
Though deep in sin you may be,
To the uttermost, Jesus can save,
From every sin set you free.

He's the door of salvation for you,
Make sure that you step inside,
Before that door is fast closed,
And you have nowhere to run, or to hide

From the wrath of the Lamb on that day,
When God's throne of judgement is set,
Oh, come, while in mercy He calls,
For there is grace for you yet.

Author- Joy Patterson.

"God... now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: Because He has appointed a day, in which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all men, in that He hath raised Him from the dead." Act 17:30-31
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Monday, 13 May 2013


 TEXT: 2 KINGS 4: 1-7
The widow’s husband was a servant of God, he served the lord fervently while he was living, but when he died he left nothing for the family but debt. The creditors were coming to take her children as slaves.
The widow in her distress cried to Elisha, the prophet asked “what do you have in your house?” and she replied “your servant has nothing there at all” she said, except A LITTLE OIL. “The small oil” that she had in her house was what God used to bless her, but she never noticed it, she did not count it important. She was told to go and borrow empty jars from neighbours; she was instructed to be pouring the small oil into the jars. The woman did as instructed even though it seems senseless. She filled all the empty jars with the oil, she paid up her debt and her family was able to live on the rest. Like the prophet asked the widow, we need to ask ourselves the same question “what do I have in my house/ life?” you cannot be totally empty, is either you did not notice it or you did not count it important like the widow. You may be ignorant of what you have, but if you prayerfully seek the face of God, He will lead you to what will make a positive change in your life.
God can only bless you with what you have; it is what you have that He will multiply for you. He is an all sufficient God, He has the power to bring new thing into our lives, but He wants us to take note of that “small or trivial” provision He has made available for us. It was the rod in Moses hands that He used to perform wonders. The rod was an ordinary rod; but when the power of God came upon it, it became an extraordinary rod. That ordinary thing you have that you count as nothing, when the power of God come upon it, then you can be sure of extraordinary breakthrough!
In Genesis 13:14-15 the lord said to Abraham to lift up his eyes and all the land he saw will be given to him. This means that what you see both in spiritual and in physical, you can possess.
Nothing is too small to make a big difference in your life. Nothing is too small for God to work with and make it an extraordinary thing. Don’t underestimate your potentials, that small thing that you did not see as important or useful, can be your way to breakthrough. That unnoticed item, idea, gift or talent can be your own “LITTLE OIL” that God will use to put an end to poverty and frustration like He did for the widow.
Prayerfully ask God to open your eyes to see your own “little oil” in the corner of your house that will launch you out to limelight. The widow’s breakthrough came from that little bottle of oil that she counted as nothing.
Do not underestimate what you have, do not condemn yourself; great things may come from small beginnings. Remember that the MIGHTY OAKS CAME FROM THE LITTLE ACORNS.

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Mary and Martha by Bolatito

Saturday, 11 May 2013


TEXT: 1 KINGS 3: 5-13
 Solomon delighted himself in the lord; he was concerned about the work that God placed in his hand. (Leadership) He does not want to do God’s work nonchalantly; he appreciated the privilege of God choosing him to rule over God’s people. He acknowledge this in his statement “I am only a child and do not know how to carry out my duties” he does not want to fail God in his duties, so he forgot about himself and committed himself body, soul and spirit into the work of God. Solomon gave priority to his duties rather than the title.

The lesson here is that it is not enough for you to occupy a position, but how you carry out your duties is what makes you a success. Solomon was passionate about the work of God. (To rule over Israel) When God asked him what he wanted, he did not think of personal blessing like, house, wealth etc. he did not ask for wealth that will make people to respect him more. Rather he asked for divine assistance to be successful in his duties.
Are you passionate about the work of God in your care? When it comes to making a choice about God’s work and your own work, which one comes first? Are your desires only on what will benefit you materially? Can you go extra mile to do the work of God? Let us learn from Solomon that made his duties prominent in his heart than his own material needs. We should make it a point of duty not to fail God in our duties. It is a privilege to work for God, if God has placed anything in your hands, do not relax; keep the fire burning!

Acquire relevant knowledge that will make you to excel in that particular field. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”. (Colossians 3:23) Solomon did not relax after he was anointed king over Israel. He does not want to be known as “ordinary king” but a king with difference. This could be seen in his reply to God in 1 Kings 3:9 he told God to empower him to be able to carry out his duties successfully.

Some believers are guilty of not doing their duties to their best ability, once they have been given a position; they see themselves as “semi gods” They will not make effort to be successful in that position, all they are interested in is the “title” of the office. As a leader; you are being called to service, if you cannot play your role well in the position you are holding, there is no respect for you. Nobody respects a failure.

If you delight yourself in God and commit yourself to His work, He will be committed to you in return. God told Solomon in verse 11-13 that because he did not ask for wealth, death of his enemies, or long life. He would give him what he asked for, and He will also add to him what he did not ask for.
God was happy with Solomon because He could see sign of dedication and commitment in him.

Solomon’s dedication to the work of God earned him more blessing than he asked for. If we dedicate ourselves to the work of God; and leave Him to take care of our needs, He will surprise us with blessing than we could ever think or ask for. (Ephesians 3:20)

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Friday, 10 May 2013


What is grace? Grace is an unmerited favour; it is kindness from God that we do not deserve. We enjoy God’s grace because He is a merciful God. As His children; He is always ready and willing to give us everything that will make us to be happy and comfortable with Him.
One of His numerous provisions for us is His grace. Through His grace; we enjoy different blessing that we do not merit. It is by His love that we are not consumed (Lamentation 3:22) we did nothing for Him to make Him love us from the inception of the earth. (He created us in His own image) He gave His only son to die for our sin, we did nothing to merit this great love, but because His grace is always sufficient. Romans 3:23-24 says “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His GRACE through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Whatever you are or do on earth is not by your power, wisdom or knowledge; it is by the grace of God
The grace of God can make a nobody to become global champion. There are some people that are well educated, influential and have all it takes to occupy a respectable post, but they just struggling without anything to show for it. There are some people that do not have good qualification, “connections” and knowledge to occupy a particular post, but because of the grace of God upon their lives; they are in the place of authority higher than their expectation.
Esther in the book of Esther chapter 2 was a candidate of God’s grace; she was not supposed to contest for the beauty pageant that made her the queen. The grace of God singled Esther out among all the qualified virgins. The grace of God can make a beggar to become a millionaire within a twinkling of an eye. I don’t think that Esther as a slave in that country could afford expensive clothes than the rest of the virgins, so it is not her dressing that attracted the king, but the grace of God upon her was what attracted the king.

Moses also was able to live by the grace of God when Pharaoh said they should kill all Hebrew boys. “Then Pharaoh gave this order to all  his people, “every Hebrew boy that is born you must throw into the Nile, but let every girl live.” Pharaoh’s daughter found a baby wrapped in cloth that belong to Hebrew on river Nile, she could have drown the baby in the river as her father has instructed, but for the grace of God upon Moses, she fell in love with the baby. “she opened it and saw the baby. He was crying and she felt sorry for him. This is one of the Hebrew babies she said” (Exodus 2: 6) This verse shows that Pharaoh’s daughter knew for sure that the baby was to be killed, but she spared his life by the grace of  God. The baby that was to be killed was taken care of in the palace of the person that wanted him dead!
If the grace of God is on you, what the enemies think will hurt or end your life will become what God will use to launch you out.
The grace of God was on Joseph that is why the plan to kill him was unsuccessful. When they were planning killing him, one of the brothers [Judah] advised that they should sell him to the Ishmaelite traders. [Genesis 37:18-38] If they had killed him; he would not have fulfilled his destiny. The grace of God on him made Judah to come up with the idea of selling him into slavery. One day of God’s favour through His grace, is more that many days of labour.

·        Live in humility- (1 Peter 5:5)
·        Be prayerful-( 1 Thessalonians 5:17)
·        Live a holy life –(1 Peter 1:15)
·        Have faith in God (Hebrew 11:6)
·        Commit your ways to Him (Proverbs 3:5-6)
·        Fear and obey the lord- (Deuteronomy 13:4)
·        Always be in His presence by praising and worshiping Him

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Monday, 6 May 2013


A little child in Sunday School
heard the call of God one day,
that life is short and death is sure
and we are not here to stay

I'll wait till i'm older,
Surely time is on my side,
And when i'm in my teens,
I will, for the lord. decide.                                        

Teenage years brought problems,
And a career loomed ahead,
But still the lord was calling,
The tough of death brought
fear and dread.

Ill wait until i'm married,
I'm healthy and so strong,
Then I will come to the Saviour,
It won't be very long.

Marriage came and family,
And the business prospered well,
And still the lord was calling,
As steps hastened to hell.

I'll wait till i retire,
I'll have time then, i'm sure,
To trust Him as my Saviour,
But the days are getting fewer.

Death came suddenly one night,
As an unexpected foe,
He couldn't wait for another second,
Death came- he had to go!

Too late to seek salvation
In the only Saviour of men,
He had heeded the devil's lie
That there'd be time again

To come to the Savoiur,
But now he was too late,
O sinner, heed God's warning voice
Come now, don't hesitate.

Lest you be lost forever,
Just a step from the living way
That leadeth unto Heaven,
O trust the Lord today!

By- Joy Patterson

"Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the father, but by me". John 14:16

"Behold NOW is the accepted time; behold NOW is the day of salvation" 2 Corinthians 6:2

Saturday, 4 May 2013


 One sunny afternoon in the ‘80s, Favour (not real name) was in the company of her friends, they were in secondary school. They attended the same school, Favour was a quiet and easy going girl, but the friends were not as quiet and reserved as she was. After closing hour on this very day, favour and the friends decided to walk home, Favour was suppose to go home in a public transport, but because of her friends; she decided to walk.
On their way going; they saw a truck that was about to move, Favour’s friends quickly climbed the truck and sat at the back of the truck without the driver’s knowledge. (The truck that carries gravels and sand) Favour wanted to join the friends in the truck, she held the truck and was climbing, but before she could lift her other leg from the ground, the truck started moving! She tried to hold tight to the truck, she lifted her other leg to stand on the pole fixed at the back of the truck. She was actually hanging! The truck was at a high speed at that time. She was hanging at the back of a truck going on a highway; the driver of the truck had no knowledge of what was happening, the friends were unable to save her by pulling her into the truck. Suddenly; one of the friends said “Favour; look at your mummy’s car coming! Favour was so scared that she let go off her hands, she fell from the back of the high truck face down to the road while other cars were coming!
The friends were so surprised at what happened, they started shouting calling the driver to stop. The driver could not believe what was happening without him knowing.
Our God knew us before we were conceived (Jeremiah 1:5) He has plan for each and everyone of us; He knows where He is taking us to. If not for the intervention of God, Favour could have died on the spot, either by broken skull from the fall; or by an oncoming vehicle to run over her. Favour stood up without a scratch! Imagine a thirteen year old girl to have fallen from a moving truck at a high speed on a highway, and came out safe without any injury! It can only be God.
Favour was able to live because God has chosen her for an assignment. The devil could have terminated the plan of God in her life if not for the mercy of God. Not all youth will be fortunate like favour; a lot of youths have given way to devil to truncate their destiny through bad company, youthful exuberance and other deadly tricks of the devil. May God keep His watchful eyes on our children so that they can fulfil purpose in Jesus name.  Today; Favour is a great vessel of honour in the hands of God almighty, she is busy doing great exploit for the kingdom of God. To God be the glory!

Image - Google image

Thursday, 2 May 2013


TEXT: 2 KINGS 19:14-16, 2 CHRONICLES 16: 12-13, 2 KINGS 1: 1-4, 17
Where is your first point of call when there is a problem or affliction? Do you run to God your creator? Do you run to man for help? Or do you seek solution from the kingdom of darkness?
Majority of us runs to man to solve our problem for us, neglecting our GREAT GOD that can calm every storm. How mistaken are we! Running to man for solution to your problem will only make the problem more complicated.

There is little or nothing man can do to help fellow man. Even when they have the help within their reach, they may decide not to do it, and if they choose to do it, it may come with conditions. Failure to meet the condition; means that the help will be retrieved.
(Psalms 146: 3) “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot safe”. Human beings are limited in power, wisdom and knowledge. Unlike human being; our God is an all knowing God that can do all things. He is limitless in power, knowledge and wisdom.

We will be looking at  the lives of three people from our text, they are HEZEKIAH, KING ASA, and KING AHAZIAH. These three people had problem that they wanted solution to, but they had different approach to solve their problems.
Hezekiah got a letter from the messengers, read it and went up to the temple of God to spread it before the lord. King Asa on the other hand was afflicted with a disease, he did not seek help from the lord, and instead he went and sought help from physicians. At the end King Asa died of the illness.
King Ahaziah was also sick, instead of him to seek the face of God, he send people to go to the priests of Baal to ask if he would be healed of the sickness. This made God to be angry with him and God sent Elijah to tell him that he will die of the sickness because he has failed to recognise Him as God.

It is good to seek the faced of God when you are going through any difficult situation.  Problems could be as a result of afflictions from the enemies. It could also be from God, so that He could bring the best out from us. That is why it is very important to seek the face of God when there is a problem, so that you will be able to know the mind of God. If
The problem is as a result of disobedience; you will be able to repent and amend your ways.
Many people prefer to go to friends to seek counsel when things are not working well for them, friends may give you advice that will make the problem to become worse. They may not do it intentionally; human beings are limited in knowledge. There are some that seek refuge in the kingdom of darkness when they are in problem, the kingdom of darkness cannot solve any problem permanently, and sooner or later the problem will come back in multiple folds. The best thing to do when going through any difficult situation is to seek the face of God. He may be using the situation to draw your attention or to train you, and if the problem is from the kingdom of darkness, he is the only lasting solution.


v    TO DIRECT YOU-Problem often point us in a new direction. God can use any problem to get your attention. (Act 9: 3-5)

v    TO INSPECT YOU- God may use that problem to know your reaction towards Him during trials. He may be testing your faith. (James 1:2-3)

v    FOR CORRECTION- We learn some lesson through pain and failure. God allows some people to learn in a hard way. Maybe they have been warned and they refuse to yield to God. He can use the problem to correct them.

v    TO PROTECT –A problem can be a blessing in disguise. God can bring a problem your way to avert a greater future problem. (Gen 50:20)

v    TO MAKE YOU PERFECT- After having a right attitude towards God during trials. God will make you perfect and build your character so that you will be fit for His glorious assignment.

Take your problem to God, seek His face and wait upon His promise. It may seem too long or too late, but He has the perfect solution to every problem. His solution to every problem is worth waiting for!

Are you in any difficult situation? Are you feeling that you are in the middle of nowhere? Are you in a confused state that you don’t know what to do? Keep hope alive! Don’t run to man; take your problem to the throne of grace and not the phone of gossip. Run to Him today, His arms are wide open waiting for you!

Image- Google image


TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 1: 25, JUDGES 6: 11- 16 The dictionary defines foolishness as having or showing a lack of good sense, judgement, or d...