Thursday 18 April 2013


 TEXT- 11TIMOTHY 2:20-21
What is a vessel? A vessel is a household material useful to do one thing or the other. It may be a container, pot, cup, bowl, jug, basin, or bottle.

A vessel may be used for HONOURABLE or DISHONOURABLE purpose in the house. For example; our glass cups are for drinking, while the toilet bowls are for use in the toilet, though it is made with ceramic like other bowls and mugs in the house, but the toilet bowls are serving their purposes in the toilet.

Nobody can go into the toilet bowl to take his or her drinking water, no matter how clean the toilet bowl is. Yet the toilet bowl is serving a purpose in the house.

We are all spiritual vessels that can be used for honourable and dishonourable purposes.

At this juncture; you need to ask yourself this question “what purpose am I serving in the house of God”? Is it honourable purpose? Or am I serving a dishonourable purpose?

Being a vessel of honour or dishonour is a matter of choice
1Thessalonians 4:4 says “that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and in honour” we are all vessel because our hearts can retain something in them. It is what you have in you that will determine the type of vessel you are.

·        Vessels unto honour are those that have been purified, cleanse and set apart for master’s use.
·        They are the people that can go extra mile for the things of God.
·        They are the people that are rooted and grounded in God, that even when they are going through hardship; they will not turn their back against God.
·        They are the people that have the attitude of Christ in them.
·        They are the people that are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Vessels unto honour are used to carry out glorious assignment; the king of kings is the only one that can do all things. He gets these things done by empowering some people (vessels of honour).

To be used by the king of kings is the greatest honour. Nothing can be compared to being used for the master’s service. As vessels unto honour; we need to examine ourselves regularly so that we will know when we are going out of God’s will.

Self examination is important; because if the channel that connects us with God is blocked with pride, anger, bitterness, hatred, jealousy, lies, selfishness and other desires of the sinful nature, how can we be used by God? Ezekiel 18: 24 says “But if a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits sin and does the same detestable things the wicked man does, will he live? None of the righteous things he has done will be remembered. Because of the unfaithfulness he is guilty of and because of the sins he has committed, he will die”.

God cannot use a filthy vessel; any vessel unto honour that is dwelling in sin becomes a vessel unto dishonour, so it is very important to live right so that the glory of God will continue to rest on us.

·        They are those that are being rejected because they did not meet for the master’s use.
·         They are those that are living in flesh rather spirit.
·        They are those that are manifesting the fruit of the flesh instead of manifesting the fruit of the spirit.
·        They are those that their hearts are filled with filthy things.

It is the level of our holiness that will determine the measure of power of God that will rest upon us.
As spiritual vessels; we cannot be empty, is either you are filled with the things of God (spirit of God) or the things of the devil (satanic spirit).
If a vessel unto honour begin to have filthy things in him/her, the spirit of God will depart from such vessel and satanic spirit will take over his/her heart.
Saul is a good example; when he disobeyed God, the spirit of God left him, and a satanic spirit came into him. (1 Samuel 16:14)

A vessel of dishonour can become vessel of honour, if he/she is ready to repent, and if he makes himself/herself available for God to purge him/her of his sinful nature. (11Timothy 2:21) “If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work”.

For example; if you have a cup that you have not used for a long time, you cannot just pick the cup and start drinking with it. You will need to wash it before you can drink with it. That is how God deals with any vessel he wants to use. So also can a vessel unto honour can be discarded if he/ she is dirty.

·        He/she will enjoy eternal inheritance. (Heb 6:10)
·        God will glorify himself through them, and they will reign with Christ. (11 Timothy 2:12)
·        He/she will be able to know the heart of God. (Amos 3:7)
·        He/she will enjoy close fellowship with God. (Eph 2:13-14)

·        They will suffer disgrace, dishonour, and rejection. (Matt 10:33)
·        They will have their portion in the lake of fire. (Rev 21:8)

I pray that God will cleanse us of everything that can make us to be vessels unto dishonour in Jesus name. We will not be discarded, and on that glorious day, we will reign with Him.

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All scripture taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ( NIV ) copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by international Bible Society all right reserve world wide.

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