“It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor be
hasty and miss the way.” (Proverbs 19:2).
Knowledge can be explained as having the facts or
having the right information. It can also be explained as skills acquired through
experience, practice or education.
Knowledge is having an understanding of a subject
matter in a given field.
It can be explained as having first-hand experience or
To excel in life you must have a very good measure of knowledge
in your chosen field or sector. Knowledge is what illuminates your mind to see
things beyond their real form.
Formal education is not the only avenue to have
knowledge for everyday life. Some knowledge are gained informally outside the
four walls of school.
In fact, there are some hand on experiences that one
may need to learn outside formal setting that would be a bed rock to the experience
needed to excel in your chosen field. Formal education may teach the
theoretical aspect while non formal setting could be where your “hand on
experience” would come from. This is why you have to have an open mind and not
to be in a hurry to get things done- take your time to gain knowledge from
different angles- knowledge can be gotten from the least expected channel and
it may be imparted to you unconsciously (for example; during a casual
discussion with someone).
Knowledge makes you to be rightfully informed and
makes you to be skilful in your endeavours.
If anyone dabbles into a business or a career without
having prior knowledge of the field or venture, if he or she does not know the
nitty gritty and what it takes to be successful in such field, failure and
frustration is inevitable!
Knowledge is power. The simplest task in the world
could pose a problem to someone that does not have the right information and
the required knowledge on how to perform such task. Hence, the “simple task”
becomes a “mighty mountain” of problem to the ignorant person.
Out text told us that it is not good to have zeal
without knowledge. Yes! Some people are so passionate and zealous in their
endeavours, but as much as they invested all time and energy to this cause;
nothing good is being recorded for them as success. Why? This may be because
they fail to add knowledge to their zeal and passion.
I have heard people investing in businesses they know
nothing about, but because they have the money to finance it and they heard it
is lucrative, they ventured into it without equipping themselves with a little
measure of knowledge to run the business. They will hire and expert to run the business,
invariably, the life of the business is in the hand of the hired expert. Any negative
move from the expert may be the end of the multi- million dollar business!
Rather than their expectation of recording success,
they are faced with difficulty and disappointment because they lack the “KNOW HOW” – No
prior knowledge of how the business works.
Our anchor text also said “it is not good to be hasty and miss the way.”
Some people are going the wrong direction so fast-
They are in a haste going the wrong direction. Mind you, it does not matter how
fast you are going, if you are heading toward the wrong direction.
I watched a viral video on Facebook where there was marathon
race between some children. The girl that took the first leg of the race ran so
fast that she was miles ahead of her competitors. She got to the next leg and
gave the baton to the next person in line to continue the race. However, as
soon as the boy in the second leg of the race collected the baton, he continue
running with the speed of the lightening; but guess what? HE HEADED TOWARD THE WRONG DIRECTION! Instead of running to the finish line, he ran back to
the starting point while other competitors that were slow at the first leg of
the race continued the race to the finish line.
It is so sad to see that despite the massive distance
between the girl that started the race on the first leg and the other
competitors, success was not recorded at the end because of the boy that ran to
the wrong direction.
At the end of the race, the girl and the boy that
could run with the flash of lightening lost the race to the slow competitors!
The message the Lord is passing across to you today is
that you should not be zealous for nothing- zealousness without knowledge will
amount to failure, frustration and disappointment.
Be rightly informed before you engage in any
endeavour. Seek knowledge in any field you want to go into- ask for assistance from
those that are successful in the field, do your research, study and read books
and journals.
Be very sure you have equipped yourself with enough
information and skills before venturing into any field.
Do not be hasty and miss the way- slow and steady wins
the race. Don’t join the group of those that are going fast in the wrong