Sunday 22 February 2015


“Before I formed you in the womb I chose you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nation.”
God created each and every one of us for a purpose; nobody came to the world by an accident or by mistake. He predestined us to come to the world to fulfill our different purposes He created us for. God has good plan for all of His children at creation (Jere 29:11) and He want His children to fulfill these purposes as He has planned.
However, many people are out there running the wrong race, they have deviated from the predestined calling, trying to emulate others or trying to follow multitude to engage in reigning thing like business or Endeavour that people are trooping in to do, not minding if that is what God want them to do or not.
The Bible tells us in Romans 8:30 that “and those He PREDESTINED, He also CALLED, those He called justified, those He justified He also glorified.” You don’t need to run after people’s vision, because it is not your vision; you may not see it clearly. It may become an illusion to you. You don’t need to steal people’s dream and make them yours. You were not in the dream when God gave the dream to the owner. Therefore you CANNOT interpret it well; no stolen dream can achieve much!
Many are cultivating another man’s land, dressing and watering another man’s seed. Stay on your path; don’t lose your track because that could be dangerous and frustrating.
Our text pointed to the fact that everybody has been appointed and ordained for one purpose or the other. God showed Joshua his own divine purpose, you too can be shown yours if you ask God. Trying to fulfill another person’s purpose (which is impossible) will lead to failure.
In psalm 105:26 the scripture says “He sent Moses servant and Aaron whom He had chosen.”The question now is are you sent or chosen? The dreams and visions you are trying to fulfill, are they yours? Your purpose and vision gives you great joy and fulfillment even when you are not getting any financial gain from it. If the vision and dreams you are running after are not marked out for you by God, it would lead to frustration if your expectations are not coming to fulfillment. You need perseverance to run the race that has been marked out for you (destiny race) because God ordained you to fulfil a vision do not mean you will not meet with challenges, but when you are sure that you are in line with destiny, you will have divine booster to keep you going. God will not back you up in what He has not called you to, be sure you are called or chosen for that assignment. Shalom.

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TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 1: 25, JUDGES 6: 11- 16 The dictionary defines foolishness as having or showing a lack of good sense, judgement, or d...