Monday 15 September 2014


TEXT: NEHEMIAH 2: 8b, 17-18
“And because the gracious hand of my God is upon me, the king granted my requests.” (Nehemiah 2: 8b).
“Then I said to them, you see the trouble we are in; Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned by fire. Come let us rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace. I also told them about the gracious hand of my God upon me and what the king had said to me. They replied let us start rebuilding “so they began this great work.” (Nehemiah 2:17-18).
To fulfil purpose in life you need some positive people that believe in you and are ready to support your vision until it becomes reality. These people are better referred to as divine supporters or destiny helpers.

A supporter is a person who is actually interested in what you are doing, and they would want to put every effort to make your idea or endeavour a success. A supporter is a person that has keen interest in what you are doing, and they are passionate about how they can put their effort together with yours to make your vision successful. Divine supporters are ordained by God to join hands with you to make His plan and purpose for your life come true. It is not everybody that will support your vision, your family members and friends may not be willing to help your vision to become reality. Do not be angry with them; the fact is that God has not put your help in their hands.

Your divine helper or supporter may be a total stranger that you have not seen before, but if God has placed your help in his care, he will surely fulfil it (Even against his wish!). in verse 8 of our text, Nehemiah was saying that the Lord has granted his request because the Lord was gracious unto him. Yet he was unable to build the wall of Jerusalem alone, he had to call on some people to join hands with him. This tells us that for you to fulfil purpose; you cannot do  it alone, you will need positive people around you to lift your hands up, so that your vision can become reality. Doing it alone without helpers prolongs and reduces success. You need the help of God to connect you to your divine supporters so that your success would be accelerated. I pray for you today that your helper of destiny will locate you today in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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