Wednesday 2 April 2014


TEXT: GENESIS 12: 1-2, 4a
Many people have embarked on wrong journey of purpose, that has left them unfulfilled and frustrated, because they did not seek the face of God before starting the journey. It is not enough to seek the face of God, it is important to invite God to go through the journey with you, so that He can guide you through the journey. When the lord sent Moses to Egypt to go and deliver the children of Israel, God had empowered him with all he would need in the course of his journey, yet he said if the presence of God will not go with him, he would not go through the journey (Exodus 33:15). The lesson here is that even though we have all it takes to make it in life, we still need the presence of God for us to make it. If you want to enjoy supernatural change, if you want increase and divine transformation, you need to do something about it. The scripture says faith without work is dead. If you stand faithfully on the word of God without putting effort to achieve it, you may not be able to partake of the blessing. When God told Abram to leave his country and his father’s household to an unknown place where He(God) would bless him, Abram did not receive the promise without doing anything about it, verse four of the text says “ And Abram left as the lord had told him.” He took action by making the journey to his destiny.

This means action must precede promise. However, to experience supernatural change, you need to take action, if you are in need of job, you need to write an application and prepare your CV and send them to various organisations, then you keep praying to God for favour. God will never write your application for you, therefore play your part and wait for God to play His own part. The lord says in Deuteronomy 28:12 “I will bless the work of your hands and you will lend to nations.” If you are doing nothing, what will God bless? If you have no purpose in life, where will the change come from? You need to engage your hands in something that God can bless and use to take you to supernatural realm of increase. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a step, start with the little you have now, that will earn you the “NATURAL BLESSING,” when the blessing of the lord comes on the works of your hands, it will turn it to “SUPERNATURAL BLESSING.” I pray that as many that are still struggling to know their purpose in life, the Almighty God will open your Spiritual eyes to see the purpose of your existence in Jesus name.

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