Thursday, 28 November 2013


“Clearly you are the epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God. Not on tablets of stone; but on tablets of flesh, that Is of the heart.”
As believers; the kind of life we live is being read by people around us. We are not living in this world unobserved; somebody somewhere is looking at you. What unbelievers are doing that people will not remark, if you as a believer indulge yourself in such thing, your Christianity will be questioned. Our scripture reference says we are the epistle of Christ written not with INK but by the SPIRIT. As long as you are genuinely saved, the Spirit of God has taken his place in you, thus you are not expected to do things in your old way any-more. Your living should be guided by the Spirit of God living in you.

Believers are living bibles (the epistle not written in ink). Unbelievers want to see you the example of God in your attitude, they want you to live what you preach, because we are their Bible written not with ink that they want to read. Some people may deliberately stir a problem so that they can see your reaction and know if you are really doing what you preach. The scripture says we should let everything that we do, be to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). Don’t wait till you get to church or when you are on the pulpit before you will put on your “Christ like garment”. Always remember that all eyes are on you as a follower of Christ, therefore use everything in you to preach the gospel and bring people to the kingdom of God. It is not enough to preach the gospel with your mouth, while your character and your attitude scare them away from coming to God. Having a good attitude towards everybody makes evangelism to become easy; people will be willing to come to Christ without much ado, if we live right. The bible that unbelievers would read is what they read in the lives of believers. There is a widely held saying that says “seeing is believing.” it is when unbelievers are convinced by our character and attitude that they will love to serve our God, Therefore live right daily.

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Wednesday, 27 November 2013


I am your strength when you are weak,
I am your light in the midst of darkness,
I am your way through the wilderness of this world,
When you need a shoulder to lean on; I am there.
I am your eyes to see divine treasures of life,
I am your wisdom; cos foolish is the wisdom of man,
I am your safety in time of trouble,
And your refuge in the period of affliction.

I am the good shepherd that laid his life for his sheep,
I am your ever present help in time of trouble,
I am your solid rock your rock of comfort,
I am your lord, your fortress and deliverer.
I am the bead of  life; in me you will have peace,
I am your stronghold, your shield, the horn
Of your salvation, the air that you breathe in.

I am your solid rock, in whom you will stand forever,
All other grounds are sinking sand.
I will be a rock of offence and judgement to your enemies,
I am the Lamb of God slaine for your sin,
Lo! I will be the lion of Judah to destroy your enemies.
I am the way, the truth, and your everlasting peace and joy,
Just seat at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.

By -Bolatito
© (Bolatito .c. Peter) (2013)
All right reserved

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Tuesday, 26 November 2013


This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about; his mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be with a child through the Holy Spirit. Because Joseph her husband was a RIGHTEOUS man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he has in mind to divorce her quietly.
Joseph was to be married to Mary when he discovered that she was pregnant, Joseph did not know that it was the Holy Spirit that came upon her and made her pregnant, but when he found out that his wife was pregnant; he decided to keep it a secret because he does not want to expose her to public disgrace. 
The scripture described Joseph as a righteous man, his righteousness made him to cover his wife’s “shame”. You can imagine what could have happened to Mary if the husband had exposed her to the public, before he would discover that she did not engage herself in any disgraceful act with another man.

Many couples these days are not worthy to be called righteous men/women, because they are not ready to cover the weakness of their spouses, rather they are eager and happy to tell the whole world the negative side of their spouses. 
What these so called spouses fail to understand is that when they are bent on disgracing their spouses, they will also have a share of the disgrace. The scripture says we should carry each others cross… (Galatians 6:2). 
Nothing should make you to expose your spouse to any public disgrace, the bible says "therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they will become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). 
Subjecting your spouse to public disgrace is not the solution to any problem, it is better to calm down and listen to what God have to say about the issue like Joseph did. 
If you disgrace your spouse by exposing his/her weakness/ secrets, you will share in the consequences. Problems, weakness/secrets should be dealt with in the family without exposing it to the public.

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Friday, 22 November 2013


PAUL WRITES, For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. So what are you focusing on? The open door or the adversaries, the opportunities or the obstacles? In 1866, an amateur geologist noticed some South African children playing with a glistening rock. He asked the children's mother if he could purchase it. Thinking it was worth nothing, she gave it to him. Later when he examined it, he discovered that it was a premium 21 carat diamond. when word got out, a Scottish mineralogist named James Gregory was sent to investigate. He reported that South Africa wasn't suitable for finding  diamonds. He speculated that the previous discoveries had resulted from ostriches, of all things eating the gems in distant lands and depositing them in South Africa via their dung. A few days after Gregory's report was made public, an eighty- three- carat diamond was found in the area that he had visited. It is now known as star of South Africa, and it launched the region's first mining operation in what is today the largest producer of diamonds. And what about Gregory? His name lives on, but not as he might  have wished. In the diamond industry, when someone exhibits bad judgement, it's called "pulling a Gregory." If you ask God, He would help you find the "treasure" in your field (Matthew 13:44-45). If Jesus could turn water into wine and feed five thousand people with a boy's lunch, think what He can do through you. The question is, what do you see? The open door or the obstacles?

Written by Bob and Debby Gass copyright 2013 UCB Ltd.

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Thursday, 21 November 2013


TEXT: JOB 23:12
“I have not departed from the commands of His lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.” (Job 23:12)
As obedient believers; how to walk in obedience to God’s word should be paramount in our hearts, we should place our priority on how we can live to please God, rather than striving to make success in life.
The book of Joshua 1: 8 says “this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thy shall meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein; for thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success.”
Your success in life depends on how important and serious you take the word of God, if you commit yourself studying and obeying the word of God, you will not need to be struggling on how to make it in life, because the word of God empowers, enables, elevates, instructs, gives divine wisdom and ideas that can transport you to a height you can never imagine. If you give priority to the word of God, the Holy Spirit would endow you with great ideas and new revelations by changing the scripture into pictures that will change your life forever.

There are many benefits in giving priority to the word of God, when you devote your time studying; you are gaining access to God’s treasure banks; where fresh ideas and revelations can be gotten. Let not your priority be on the pleasures of this world, not on power or wealth; but on the word of God, because it is in him you can find true riches and peace of mind. “Submit to God and be at peace with Him, in this way prosperity will come to you. Accept instructions from His mouth, and lay up His words in your heart.” (Job 22:21-22).

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Sunday, 17 November 2013


I was hated by the world,
Yet I love all creatures,
I was beaten and despised,
Yet I have compassion for all men,
I was humiliated and tortured,
Yet I show mercy to mankind,
I was wounded and bruised,
Yet by my stripes you were healed.

I was thirsty and was given sour wine,
Yet I give living water, the river of life,
I was arrested by the Sanhedrin guards,
Yet I give freedom and set captives free,
The world was hostile and resentful to me,
Yet I showed humility and meekness,
I was oppressed and afflicted,
Yet I did not open my mouth.

I was nailed on the cross and became weak,
Yet I give strength to the weak in spirit,
 Betrayed by Judas; helpless I was on the cross,
Yet I am the help of the helpless,
All these I did for you, I paid the price in full
I died in your place because I love you,
 I died for you so that you can live for me,
Are you living for me? Or nailing me on the cross again?

By -Bolatito
© (Bolatito .c. Peter) (2013)
All right reserved

Thursday, 14 November 2013


TEXT: JOB 8:11-13
“Can Papyrus grow tall where there is no marsh? Can reeds thrive without water? While still growing and uncut, they wither more quickly than grass. Such is the destiny of all who forget God; so perishes the hope of the godless.” (Job 8: 11-13).
The scripture tells us to love the lord with all our heart, soul, and spirit (Matthew 22:37). Nothing should take the place of God in our lives; we should live our lives to reference God. No plan or decision should be made without involving Him, in fact He should be the one to plan and make decision for us. Any decision and plan made without the involvement of God may result in regret, failure and frustration. The bible made us to know that we should trust the lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding… Proverbs 3:5-6). If you think you are wise in your own eyes to take any decision without God, you need to think twice!
Calling on God for direction after you have made your decision and planned how to achieve it, is like putting the cart before the horse. Your first point of call before taking any step should be in God’s presence. Proverbs 3:6 says we should acknowledge Him in all our ways so that He would direct our path. If you don’t acknowledge Him by putting your plans before Him for approval, He will not direct you. God can only be committed to what He commanded.
Many of us in one way or the other had made decisions without God, and we have seen the repercussion. This may be as a result of ignorance, self will, disobedience to God, lack of patience, yielding to pressure from family and friends, desperation and so on.

Our text says Papyrus can’t grow without marsh and reeds can’t strive without water, without marsh and water papyrus and reeds will wither and die, “such is the destiny of all who forget God...V13. Taking God out of plans and decision will end up in frustration and struggling. Is God in your equation? Where is the place of God in that plan of yours? Without Him you can do nothing, submit yourself and your will to Him, He has a better plan for your life. Dwell on this verse. “That the mirth of the wicked is brief, the joy of the godless lasts but for a moment” (Job 20:5).


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Friday, 8 November 2013


“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no Grapes on the vines, though the Olive crop fails, and the field produce no food, though there are no Sheep in the pen and no Cattle in the stalls. Yet I will rejoice in the lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour.” (Habakkuk 3:17-18).
Joy is not attached with material things; it is something that comes from our inside, joy flows from within and radiate all over our physical body. Joy in Hebrew language is called Chedvah, it means gladness or rejoicing. Happiness and joy are two different things, joy comes within us, we can be joyful even when there seems no reason for it, you may have joy in the midst of unpleasant situations, you may be joyful without any tangible thing to show for it. Happiness on the other hand has to do with achievement, emotions, mood, when you have favourable circumstance. Happiness comes as a result of physical or tangible things (like material blessings).
As children of the lord most high that owns the heaven, the earth and everything in them, our joy should not be dependent on what we have or what we have achieved. God want us to be joyful even in the midst of trials and hardship, Philippians 4:4 says “rejoice in the lord always, I say it again; rejoice.” When you are in any unpleasant situation; keep rejoicing for we know that greater is he that is in us than he that is the world (1John 4:4). No situation should take away our joy, because our joy comes from within base on the assurance that we have in the lord that He loves us unconditionally.
Our text tells us how believers should always reason concerning being joyful in the lord. Whether you are living in abundance or you are struggling to make ends meet, you need to rejoice in the lord your God while waiting for a change in your situation, He is a just God; He will never leave you in an unpleasant situation. Do not rejoice in the lord only when things are going the way you want them to go, God appreciates it when you rejoice in Him during challenges of life. It shows your level of trust for God! It is possible to have joy through our trials, knowing that God is working on our behalf.

Many believers have allowed the devil to steal their joy from them. They did not see any good things to be joyful for. Their hope for better future is  dashed. Joy is one of the fruit of the Holy Spirit that all believers should possess. As believers; we should not base our joy on material things but on the love and promises of God. Remember that this world in its present form is passing away (1Corinthians 7:31). Therefore rejoice in the lord always and unconditionally.

Copyright altarofpraisewithbolatito 2013

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Wednesday, 6 November 2013


 I direct your path, and lead you
 In the way you should go,
I have answer to every question,
And solution to every challenge,
The letters in me brings happiness,
Love, peace, joy, and comfort,
My words contains healing, salvation,
Deliverance ,and breakthrough,
 The entrance of my word brings light.
What am I?

I am a great book that covers all topics,
I am a unique book suitable for all
 And sundry, I can be read by children,
Teenagers, adults, and the aged,
Yet no one would feel out of place!
I am an interesting book with no
Age limit or restrictions.
The more you read and follow
My instructions; the better
And purer you become.
What am I?

I am a very popular book,
The highest sold book,
I need no marketer to be sold,
Neither do I need any advertisement.
In my letters are hidden treasures
Of heaven and earth; being revealed
By the help of the Holy Spirit
My word comforts and gives hope,
My letters shows the way of holiness.
 What am I?

I am your author’s manual I give meaning
To your life; I counsel you in the way you
Should go, I lead and guide you, I give direction,
I deliver and I safe those that observe all my
Commandments; I give divine wisdom
And understanding to do the extra ordinary
To those that are studying and dwelling on
The words written in me.
what am I?
I am the BIBLE:   Basic Instruction Before Leaving the Earth

 By -Bolatito
© (Bolatito .c. Peter) (2013)

All right reserved

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TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 1: 25, JUDGES 6: 11- 16 The dictionary defines foolishness as having or showing a lack of good sense, judgement, or d...