Wednesday, 30 October 2013


“For the love of money is the root of all evil”. (1 Timothy 6: 10). “But money answereth all things.” (Ecclesiastes 10:19b). We solve many problems with money; we can do many things with money. Money can be used to meet our daily needs; we can transact business globally with the help of money (unlike trade by barter that can be done locally).
What is money? It is a means of exchange; it is a means for someone to trade what he has for what he wants.  In the early days; there was no money, so people get what they needed by looking for somebody that can exchange things with them. This method is known as trade by barter. You trade what you have with somebody that needs it, in exchange for what you need. One of the problems with this method is that you may find it difficult to be able to exchange what you need successfully. For example if you want a new pair of shoes, and you want to trade your trouser to get the shoes, you may have problem in seeing someone that his needs tallies with what you are trading. What you want to trade may not be what the person wanted, so you have to keep searching for who needs what you want to trade, and have what you wanted. The introduction of money makes our lives much better and the economy becomes more efficient, easy and interesting. That is why the book of Ecclesiastes 10:19 says money answers all things, you can get yourself all you need for daily living. Can we still say money is the root of all evil? No, because the scripture made it crystal clear that sin is the root of all evil (Matthew 15:19). What you have in your heart will reflect in your action, and it becomes your character. Before any evil can be done; it would have been conceived in the heart. It is the love of money that is the root of all evil and not money itself. When you occupy your heart with the love of money, instead of loving God and your neighbour (The greatest commandment) you have definitely committed sin against God, for He said you should love Him with all your heart, soul and spirit (Matthew 22:37-38).
Having money to do all things is not evil, but when money begins to control you; that is when there is problem, because you won’t see anything wrong in doing bad things to get money. Your heart will be occupied with means of getting money, either by “clean” or “unclean” means. Greed and lack of fear of God has made people to do evil things in their quest for money. Why blaming money when greed made people to indulge in unthinkable things for money? When David killed Uriah because of his beautiful wife in 2 Samuel 11, can we blame the woman for being beautiful, or can anybody blame the man for marrying a beautiful wife? No! The blame goes to David for allowing lust, greed and evil thought to dwell in his heart. Do not get hypnotised with money to the extent of allowing it to rule over your thinking faculty.


Copyright altarofpraisewithbolatito 2013

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Monday, 28 October 2013


TEXT: JOSHUA 8: 34-35
“Afterwards, Joshua read all the words of the law, the BLESSINGS and the CURSES, just as it is written in the book of the law, there was not a word of all that Moses had commanded that Joshua did not read to the whole assembly of Israel, including the women and children, and the aliens who lived among them.” (Joshua 8:34-35).
Joshua a leader that succeeded Moses was given a book of law to read to the people of Israel. He read both blessings and curses written in the book as commanded by Moses. What we need to notice here is that Joshua did not want to please and make the people happy by reading to them only the blessings in the book of law, he went further by reading to them all the curses JUST AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW. As God’s servants teaching His word in one capacity or the other, do not shy away from telling your congregation the true word of God, don’t try to make them happy by telling them what they want to hear alone (The good side of scripture). Tell them also the consequences of not living a life of holiness and obedience to the word of God. Do not add to the word of God, do not take out of it, preach it the way it is written in the book of law (The Bible).  Never try to make your sermon or message to favour your congregation, preach the truth and not the sweet words that will support the negative acts of the congregation.
You are in the position to teach the word of God so that you can show them the right way and make them to live to please God. Do not be afraid of losing your congregations, and because of this conceal the truth from them. Teach the word as it ought to be taught, so that you can be set free from the judgement of God.
Whatever the bible say is right; let them know it is right and what the bible is against; let them know so that they can make amends. Be bold to teach the word of God, after all it is not your word but the word of God!

Teach the congregation the right way to please God without any reservation, you did not write the bible you are just teaching what God instructed you to do. Don’t modify your sermon to “disguise” evil for good, hit the nail on the head, and preach the word of God “undiluted” for God is going to hold you accountable for every word that comes out of your mouth. (Matthew 12:36-37).

Copyright altarofpraisewithbolatito 2013

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Saturday, 26 October 2013


TEXT: JOHN 15: 4-5
“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
I woke up one good morning, with the expectation to get a lot of things done. I was eager to go on the internet to find answers to many questions I thought of over the night. I wanted ideas and information about a lot of things, confidently I picked my computer and logged on, but instead of being able to surf the internet and get the information I wanted, the response I got from the computer was “There is no internet connection.” This made me to angry and disappointed, I tried all I could do to make the computer to be connected with the internet but all to no avail. I had a lot things that I wanted to do, I wanted ideas, information and answer to some questions, but I was unable to do all these because my computer could not connect to the internet. The questions I wanted answers to remained unanswered; I was unable to get the idea and the information needed. Though I was ready to do some research and gain some knowledge, the computer was available, and I had all my writing materials ready, yes I could not do anything because the most important thing was missing (The internet connection). This made me to be unable to achieve what I wanted. If the internet connection was not disconnected, I would have been able to acquire knowledge and Ideas all over the world from the comfort of my house.
As children of God, we need to always get connected to God for us to achieve our purpose in life. For you to gain ideas and information that will transport you to a higher level, you need to be connected to God. You may be wealthy, knowledgeable, and influential, if you are not connected with God which is your source, you can do nothing.

If you disconnect yourself from God, you won’t be able to bear fruit. If you have everything and God is missing from your life, making it in life may be very difficult. Therefore if you have gone away from Him, if you had disconnected from the vine, go back to Him in prayer, and tell him to have mercy on you and bring you back to Him for without Him you can do nothing.

Copyright Altarofpraisewithbolatito 2013

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Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Dream killers are enemies of progress that does not want you to achieve your God given purpose for your life. They can be among friends, relatives, family, colleagues, neighbours, fellow believers and people “working” with you for the achievement of your dreams.
Dream in this context would be defined as “God given vision for you to achieve purpose in life.” Your dream is the seed of greatness that the lord has planted in you when He created you. The purpose of your dream is to launch you out to limelight and make way for you and take you to a higher level that nobody can take you to.
For your dream to be achieved, God has assigned some people to work with you so that success can be achieved. Some of these helpers may be those that will assist you financially, they are those that will play the part you cannot play, because a tree cannot make a forest. For example; if God has given you the dream to write a book, you will need the assistance of proofreaders, editor, and a publisher for you to achieve the purpose. If these people are not available to play their part in making the dream to become a success, it may be difficult to achieve your aim. Some people that God has assigned to render assistance, may decide to hold on to what God wants them to do concerning your dream, they want you to be frustrated and forget about the dream.
Another type of dream killers are those that will hear about your dream and do all they can do to discourage you, giving you one thousand and one reason why you cannot do it. Another type of dream killers are those that will be very jealous and make sure that they do everything to frustrate your dream. Some dream killers can be called dream hijackers as soon as they hear about the dream they will try to run ahead of you to make the dream theirs. At times it may be the devil that is at work, the devil may want to truncate the plan and purpose of God for your life by using those that are suppose to be your destiny helper, to become your destiny destroyer like Joseph’s brothers did to him. They were supposed to support him to fulfil his dream, but they became his enemies and hated him because of his dream. Once your dream is moving towards manifestation, your friends may become your worst enemies. One good thing about our God is that He can never be caught unaware; He had prepared substitutes for every dream helpers that wants to turn himself or herself to dream killers. If the dream is from God; it will be achieved without them. Joseph’s dream was achieved even though it seemed unachievable due to what he went through; God gave him victory over his dream killers. God will give us victory over every dream killers in Jesus name.
If those that are suppose to join hands with you to fulfil your dream are frustrating you, never allow them to fulfil the devil’s purpose in your life, don’t let them turn your glorious dream to a nightmare. Forget about them and focus on your dream, the dream was given to you alone, their support or help is immaterial for God will raise better destiny builder (Substitutes) for you. They may think they have achieved their purpose of frustrating you when the dream is delayed, but in due season they will know that no one can stop what God has set to do in your life. NOT EVEN THE DEVIL THEIR MASTER! Hold on to your dream for it will surely come to pass though it tarries. (Habakkuk 2:2).

Copyright altarofpraisewithbolatito 2013

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Monday, 14 October 2013


“Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey, whether you are slaves to sin, which lead to death or to obedience which leads to righteousness?. (Romans 6:16).
A master is an individual who hires employees or servants to perform services and who directs the manner in which such services are performed (Free As human beings in this planet earth, we are serving someone, we have somebody that is mentoring us, either we know it or not, we are helping somebody to fulfil his purpose for our lives. God created us to live and serve Him, and Him alone, but some people have gone out of his purpose for their lives, either knowingly or unknowingly. Some people have given their Lordship to the devil that has enticed them and lured them to himself with worldly pleasures. The bible says in Matthew 6:24 that one man cannot serve two masters, you cannot serve God and the devil at the same time. Is you are either for God or against Him; (You cannot be on the fence).
If Jesus is your master, you will use him as your role model, you will work in his way so that his purpose in your life can be fulfilled (His purpose is to give you life more abundantly).

Those that are living in flesh are also helping their master (Satan) to fulfil his plan and purpose for their lives, which is to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10:10). We know when we are doing things that sadden the heart of God; we know when we are not in His will. “A master is the one who hires servants or employees to perform….” Check the services you are performing on the planet earth, can Jesus hire you to perform such service? Is it the type of service Jesus rendered while he was on earth? Examine yourselves, and answer the question truthfully, who are you working for? WHO IS YOUR MASTER? We cannot deceive God, even though we deceive people around us, He knows those that belong to Him. (John 10:14).

Copyright altarofpraisewithbolatito 2013

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Friday, 11 October 2013


Nothing in this world can give us comfort except the Almighty God Himself. Your wealth cannot comfort you neither can your children, spouse, academic qualifications, or your status in the society. God is the only permanent source of comfort.
Some people are wealthy, happily married with children to show for it. They can afford everything easily and conveniently, yet they are not comfortable, they don’t have peace of mind.
In the same vein, some people can hardly afford three square meals, yet they are happy and comfortable, because they did not see what they don’t have as a problem, neither did they miss on out on these things. This is so because they have the peace of God reigning in their lives, the Holy Spirit is dwelling in them. “But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things…” (John 14: 26). The Holy Spirit teaches all things including living in comfort, even when everything seems not all right.
This is the advantage that we believers have, because we have God and the Holy Spirit living in them, this enables us to live and have positive reaction to any negative reaction they find themselves in, because they have the assurance  that God and the Holy Spirit are there to make things right for them. The Holy Spirit comforts us with peace that the world or any material things cannot give.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to console you in sorrow, encourage you when you are down, and to comfort you in affliction, so that your peace would not be taken away by any unnecessary worries. Believers have a burden bearer, who bears their burden for them, and comfort them from all their worries and burden. (Matthew 11:28). Holy Spirit is our comforter; invite him to your life today to comfort you from every worries of life.

Copyright altarofpraisewithbolatito 2013

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Tuesday, 8 October 2013


TEXT: ROMANS 8:26-27
In the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness; we do not know what we ought to pray for, but the spirit himself intercedes for us with Groans that words cannot express. And he who searches the heart knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. (Romans 8: 26-27).
Everybody needs help to be able to do one thing or the other, there are some things that you may find difficult to do with your level of knowledge, wisdom or strength. There are some things you may not know how to do right or perfectly with your ability, unless we ask for assistance from somebody that knows better than us.
As Christians, our strength, knowledge and wisdom are limited, so we need the help of the unlimited God to do all things. Our weakness may be in the area of prayer, enduring hardship, wisdom to run our homes, strength to go through our Christian journey, the grace to put our flesh into subjection and living in holiness, getting out of any bad habits and so on. The Holy Spirit is our ever present help in time of trouble; he will never leave us to ourselves. He has promised to be with us to the very end of age. (Matthew 28:20). It is a difficult thing to know what to pray about when you are weak and distressed, but the Holy Spirit our helper and our intercessor has made provision for our weakness, he is ready to take over our prayer session and intercede on our behalf in accordance to God’s will. When you pray amiss; you may not receive answer to your prayers (James 4:3). That is why the Holy Spirit is taking it upon himself to pray and intercede on our behalf so that we would receive answers to our prayers. When we need strength to face the challenges of life and to carry on our Christian race without failing God, the Holy Spirit is there to renew our strength and replace our weakness with God’s strength. (2 Corinthians 12:9). When you need divine wisdom to run your home and business, he is willing to endow you with wisdom. (James 1: 5).
When you need the grace to put your flesh into subjection, His grace is available for you. “Let us approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”(Hebrew 4:16). Call on your helper today, for without him you can do nothing. (John 15:5).

Copyright altarofpraisewithbolatito 2013

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Thursday, 3 October 2013


TEXT: JOHN 14:26
“But the counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” (John 14:26).
Who is a teacher? A teacher is someone who is capable and willing to impart knowledge to others, for the purpose of changing and equipping them with knowledge that would transform them through out their lifetime. A teacher empowers, builds confidence and inspires students. To be a good teacher you must be caring, friendly, and be a motivator.
The Holy Spirit is the third person in the trinity, his role in our Christian walk is very vital that nobody can bypass him to be with God. As a Christian; you will need the help of the Holy Spirit to do whatever you want to do. Jesus assured us that the Holy Spirit that the father will send in his name WILL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS AND WILL REMIND YOU OF EVERYTHING HE SAID ( John 14:26). For you to make it in life you need the Holy Spirit to teach and direct you, your human wisdom can take you nowhere. When the Holy Spirit reveals things to you, it makes you to be extraordinary, you will move from the level of ordinary people (people that do things with head knowledge) to an extraordinary person.
For you to walk and be blameless before God, you need the Holy Spirit to bring into your remembrance all that the scripture has taught you.
The Holy Spirit is a friendly and caring teacher; he is always available and ready to assist his students. He does not depart from his students, he does not go on break, he does not have a closing time, and he does not go on leave! Whenever you call on him, he Is always ready to answer.

The Holy Spirit is the only one that gives you an assignment and he will be there to help you to get it done perfectly. “Faithful is he who has called you, who will also do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5:24). The Holy Spirit is the best teacher that motivates his students to believe in themselves that they can do all things (Philippians 4:13). It is through the help of the Holy Spirit that we don’t give up when we face any trial, because we know he is our present help in time of trouble. There are times that we may find ourselves in difficult situation that we need wisdom to deal with the situation. It is the help of the Holy Spirit that helps in giving us wisdom and utterance to deal with the situation. “When you are brought before synagogues, rulers and authorities do not worry about how you will defend yourselves or what you will say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.” (Luke 12:11-12). Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you to do the extraordinary.

Copyright altarofpraisewithbolatito 2013

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Wednesday, 2 October 2013


Many people did not see any reason why they should give praise to God when all is not well with them. They believe that God is meant to be praised when everything is going on well with them.
Once they encounter problem or an unpleasant situation, they allow the devil to “steal” their praise from them. They become so cold and passive towards God, but immediately there is positive change in their situation, they jump up and start praising and exalting God again. The scripture says we should praise and thank God in all situations, this includes when things are not going the way we want it to go.
Therefore in that difficult situation, God expects you to give Him your highest praise. The only time you can stop praising God is when you are dead.
Some nations came together to wage war against Jehoshaphat and his people, the Moabites, Ammonites, with some Meunites came to wage war against Judah, imagine three nations against one nation. If not for God they wouldn't have to go through much stress before they could have destroyed Judah. Despite the problem that Jehoshaphat was faced with, when the spirit of the lord came upon one of them and told them that the battle is the lord’s and not theirs, Jehoshaphat resolved to praising God. He did not prepare his people to take bow and arrow or any weapon of war, but the preparation he made was to appoint men to sing to the lord and praise Him (v 21). He turned his problem away from his problem and focus on God. It takes the grace of God for somebody that is deep in the middle of problem to be able to appreciate God and praise Him, because as human beings, it is very easy for us to be weighed down with any problem we are passing through.

“As they began to sing and praise, the lord set ambush against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount seir who were invading Judah and they were defeated (v 22).
Jehoshaphat did not tell his Army to fight; they were busy praising God while the nations were destroying themselves. Without raising a hand God gave Jehoshaphat a glorious victory.

Your victory is in your praise, your breakthrough is in your praise, your deliverance is in your praise, your long awaiting miracle is in your praise, and your healing is in your praise. Don’t allow the devil to “cease” your testimony, in any situation; keep praising God and never stop praising Him.

Copyright altarofpraisewithbolatito 2013

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TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 1: 25, JUDGES 6: 11- 16 The dictionary defines foolishness as having or showing a lack of good sense, judgement, or d...