Wednesday, 18 April 2018


For the appeal we make does not spring from error or impure motives, nor are we trying to trick you. ON THE CONTRARY, WE SPEAK AS THOSE APPROVED BY GOD TO BE ENTRUSTED WITH THE GOSPEL. WE ARE NOT TRYING TO PLEASE PEOPLE BUT GOD, WHO TESTS OUR HEARTSYou know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed—God is our witness. We were not looking for praise from people, not from you or anyone else, even though as apostles of Christ we could have asserted our authority.”
We are in the era where people want to do things that please them without thinking if it’s morally right or wrong. The scripture is coming to fulfilment with the signs of end time visible around us.
We are in the dispensation where immoral behaviour, evil, wickedness, perversion, debauchery, lies, deception and so on are the order of the day.
However, as children of God, we are called to stand out- we are not to conform to these negative manifestation happening around us. We are to be examples of Christ (to show the right way of living- we are the salt and the light of the world).
The slogan of “If you cannot beat them you join them” is not for us believers. Rather, our slogan should be “I will stand for what is right no matter what it will cost me.”
Let us look at our anchor text (1 Thessalonians 2: 3-6) I will point out some key points from there- Apostle Paul wrote “For the APPEAL we make does NOT spring from ERROR or IMPURE MOTIVE, or are we trying to TRICK you… apostle Paul was bold to utter these statement because he was confident that he had not deviated from what the Lord sent him to do- he did not allow himself to be influenced by the people- he never watered down his message of the gospel to make the people “feel good and comfortable.”
Paul guarded his heart so that his motive and focus will be to do what God sent him- which is to preach the gospel of Christ. 

These days, we see some ministers of God on the pulpit teaching ERROR and HERESY because their motive of becoming ministers of God is wrong and impure. Some ministers teach error and heresy so that their congregation can accept and be happy with them in order to be able to bring “bountiful” tithe and offering!
Some ministers of God deliberately conceal the true gospel from their members so that these members will be tricked into believing ONLY in their pastors as their MESSIAH.
As genuine ministers of God, we are indebted to preaching and teaching the true word of God even if it hurts. We are not called to please man but God. Remember that when you are making effort to please man, you will displease God. Which one would you prefer?  Would you choose man over God?
Let your appeal (preaching/ teaching) be without error, speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel.
Apostle Paul went further for more clarification… “We are not trying to please man but God, who tests our hearts.
As a minister of God, if you are trying to fit into what makes your congregation to be comfortable by preaching error and heresy, you will be uncomfortable with God!
If you water down your message or conceal the consequences of sinning from your members because you don’t want to lose them, would you prefer to lose eternity? Think of this!
Another keynote from apostle Paul’s writing is in verse five of our text which says “You know we never used FLATTERY nor did we put on a MASK TO COVER UP GREED…” Some ministers of God are very wise in the game of flattery. They prepare messages to flatter their congregation- they sweet talk them and make them believe that everything is okay with their sinful way of life. These so called men of God hide under the mask of the gospel to cover their greed and love for money. They rip off their members with the “price tags” placed on their “anointing.” They commercialise their so called anointing, they know how to do “spiritual jamboree” that would make their members to ascribe all the praise and honour that is meant for God to be given to them. Revelation 22:12 says “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.”
As ministers of God we don’t need praises from men but from God.
For men to praise you; you must please them and displease God.
The encouragement of today is that you should not live your life to please man- do not water down the truth of the gospel so that you will be accepted by man.
There is no wisdom in craving for the acceptance of man at the expense of God’s acceptance. It is not wise to please people and displease God.
Do not speak in error to gain the approval of men- rather speak like men approved by God.
Do not flatter your members because you do not want to lose them because the price of losing eternity is greater!


TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 1: 25, JUDGES 6: 11- 16 The dictionary defines foolishness as having or showing a lack of good sense, judgement, or d...