Wednesday, 28 January 2015


TEXT: ACT 10:38
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.”
Before Jesus Christ could start his ministry, he waited to be anointed by God. Without God’s anointing in a man’s life; his efforts may yield little or no result.
Anointing is the drive power that enable believers to work and walk in the real m of the supernatural. Anointing empowers you beyond your human efforts and wisdom. What you cannot do ordinarily; when the anointing of God falls upon you, you will continue to do them. Peter was a coward before he got anointed on the day of Pentecost. After Peter was anointed, he received boldness to stand up and preach the gospel among multitude and many souls were saved! Anointing gives you courage to do exploit.
Another advantage of the anointing is that it gives you speed and accelerate your progress to outrun people that are doing things with human efforts and wisdom. This can be seen in 1 King 18:45-46. When Elijah told Ahab to go on his chariot because it’s going to start raining, Ahab had gone before Elijah, but when the spirit of God (anointing) came upon Elijah he outran Ahab on his chariot while he was running on his feet! It takes the supernatural power of God to do that not with human strength.
Anointing also breaks the yoke (Isaiah 10:27) When God anoints you it breaks every yoke of limitation, affection and barriers. Anointing gives you the power to do things with ease and achieve greatly where others are struggling.
Anointing goes beyond being ordained as pastor, deacon or deaconess, you may be an ordinary believer without any title and have anointing to do better than what other title holders in the church will do. Anointing equips the anointed for spiritual assignments that human strength and wisdom cannot do.
Another benefit of the anointing is seen in Psalm 18:50b “He shows unfailing kindness to His anointed, to David and his descendants forever.” God showed David His unfailing kindness because he was God’s anointed vessel. He committed a lot of sin; but God did not discard him and his generation from His presence.
Anointing makes your talents to make launch you out to greatness. If you have talents and you lack anointing, you won’t be able to make impact with your gift. Your talents with the anointing of God launch you to a height that you cannot think of getting to.

God’s unfailing live and kindness will be for you if you are his anointed. Without God’s anointing; believers will not be able to fulfill their God’s original plan for their lives. No much success can be recorded in ministry, business, work life, marriage and in the entirety of existence. Ask God to anoint you today for supernatural breakthrough and greatness.

Image: Google Image 

Tuesday, 6 January 2015


TEXT: PSALM 106:32-33
“By the waters of Meribah they angered the Lord, and trouble came to Moses because of them, for they rebelled against the Spirit of God, and harsh words came from Moses’ lips.”
The Israelites had been a bunch of problem on Moses right from the time they left Egypt, as soon as the Lord parted the Red sea for them and drowned their enemies in the sea, they forgot how powerful the Lord God is. All the wonders that the Lord did in Egypt for Pharaoh to release them, all the protection God gave to them by becoming fire by night and cloud by day to shield them, the Manna and Quail supplied for them in the wilderness were forgotten by the Israelites.
As soon as they wanted something, they started grumbling and complaining making reference to the life they lived in their land of slavery, regretting leaving Egypt.
Their attitude shows that of the ungrateful hearts that appreciates instant favour or help. As soon as the period of the favour or help is over, they don’t see any reason for appreciation again. This can be very painful and disappointing.
Moses knew what he went through before he could come to face Pharaoh for the release of the Israelites, he knew how hard and difficult it is to single-handedly lead a multitude of people, men, women, children and their animals out of slavery, through the Red sea, the wilderness, to an unknown destination (promised land).
Moses exchanged Royal robes for rags to deliver the children of Israel, yet the people refused to appreciate or have the heart of gratitude to God and Moses. Instead they complained bitterly about God and launched their anger on Moses as God representative that they could see. The Israelites wanted water and they started their usual complaint. Maybe Moses that had been condoling their complaint and their excesses got fed up; he reacted by uttering harsh words to them in anger.  Moses was too provoked that he missed the instruction that God gave to him, God became angry with Moses and vowed that Moses would not take the Israelite to the Promised Land.
Despite Moses’ efforts and struggle, he missed it all at the last minute. Provocation made him to miss God’s plan for his life even though he was not at fault!
Many believers have been provoked to leave their place of assignment, either by their pastor, pastor’s wife, or other members of the church. It is prevalent these days that people you are helping in their ministries will end up not seeing what you are doing, instead of appreciating the calling of God upon you and thank God for bringing you their way to lift their hands up in the ministry. All you would get from them is insult, complaint, and abuse. The scripture admonishes us in Galatians 6:9 that we should not become weary in doing good... don’t let anyone provoke you to leave your place of assignment. You will reap the reward of your good work in due season if you do not give up (Galatians 6:9).

You must run this race to the end, you MUST finish well. Fight the good fight of faith, AVOID PROVOCATION

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TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 1: 25, JUDGES 6: 11- 16 The dictionary defines foolishness as having or showing a lack of good sense, judgement, or d...