Sunday, 26 January 2014


TEXT: MATTHEW 10:29-31
“Are not two Sparrows sold for a penny? Yet no one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So do not be afraid; YOU ARE WORTH MORE THAN MANY SPARROWS”
at a point in time due to many uninteresting things happening to us, after being beaten and battered by circumstances of life, we give up to our fate that there is nothing encouraging about our lives. Friends and families have tagged many useless and worthless because of the situation they are facing. Some have given up on themselves and have accepted the negative tag that the situation has made people to tag them with. They have lost their grip on the verse of the bible that called them “ A chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people; THAT YE SHOULD SHOW FORTH THE PRAISES OF HIM WHO HAD CALLED YOU OUT OF DARKNESS INTO HIS MARVELLOUS LIGHT.”
The good news is you mean so much to God, no matter what the situation may be, God is interested in you and He loves you. He has your best interest at heart. He is not going to abandon you to struggle and remain in that mess forever! Don't fall for the lie of the devil to make you believe that you mean nothing to God because of what your situation is. He has promised never to leave nor forsake you because you are the apple of His eyes, He has also engraved you on the palm of His hands. Therefore He can NEVER forget or abandon you.

God is not only interested in the rich and the wealthy, He is not like man that only want to be recognised with influential people on the face of the earth, God is interested in the poor and the needy as well. Be rest assured that God is interested in you even in that your unpleasant state. If God can be interested in Sparrows that have no much value when sold, and He cares to know what happens to them, how much more you that He created in His own image and put His breath of life in you, do you think He can forget you? No, you mean so much to Him that He numbered the hairs on your head! (He pays attention to every details of your life). He cares about you more than you care about yourself and more than anybody can care about you. Never let any downbeat condition make you to see yourself as an unworthy, never- do – well, or a failure. Remember you are fearfully and wonderfully made! You are His creation; the scripture recorded that when God finished the work of creation, He saw that EVERYTHING was GOOD, that includes you praise God! From now on begin to walk with your head up, don’t let any situation bend your head in depression, don’t let people’s opinion about you determine how you see yourself (It is their opinion not God’s, and He has the final say). See yourself the way God made you (a Royal priesthood) and not the way your condition is making people to see you. BE CONFIDENT in the lord don’t be afraid or depressed FOR YOU ARE WORTH MORE THAN MANY SPARROWS.

Monday, 20 January 2014


TEXT: MATTHEW 14: 25- 29
“During the forth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified, it’s a ghost they said and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them, take courage! It is I, don’t be afraid. Lord if it’s you Peter replied, tell me to come to you on the water. Come he said. Then Peter got DOWN OUT OF THE BOAT, WALKED ON THE WATER and came towards Jesus.”
Jesus proved wrong the law of gravity by walking on water, nobody has ever seen such thing before, but with God all thing are possible. The power of God sustained and kept Jesus to walk on water. His disciples could not believe what they saw, they thought it was a ghost walking on water, when Jesus told them it was him, Peter called on Jesus to invite him to join him on water, and Jesus told him to come. Peter never believed it was possible for anybody to walk on water, not to talk of him walking on water! He never believed he could do the unusual until he got out of the boat and joined Jesus on water.
The potentials that God has deposited in you will not start manifesting until you make the move to do something about it. You don’t need to wait until everything is complete and perfect before you will embark on your God given vision. Do not let lack of resources or fund to restrict you from fulfilling your destiny, you can start where you are and with what you have. The scripture says we should not despise the days of little beginning (Zechariah 4:10). Don’t be trapped in a spot with fear of failure, for you to do the unusual. You need to get out of your comfort zone and move towards the area of “risk and insecurity” that is challenging you. If Peter had not gotten out of the boat, he wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do the unusual by walking on water!
Staying in the boat is much safer than going to walk on water that could cause him to get drowned, but he decided to move out of his comfort zone to do the supernatural.
Apart from Peter's name, none of the disciples name were mentioned. Why? This is because they did not do any spectacular thing worth mentioning them for in that particular chapter. However, Peter made the move to do the unusual by stepping out of his comfort zone ( the boat) to walk on water.  His name entered the list of people that did great and supernatural things that generations to come will be talking about.
In the same way, if you make up your mind to step out of your comfort zone where nothing good and spectacular can be achieved, and walk on water where there is good risks and challenges, you will do the extraordinary and leave good legacy that generations to come will be talking about. 
That dream that seems too big for you to achieve is achievable, if you make effort to move out of the boat (comfort zone) and call on Jesus to help you walk through the water of impossibilities so that you can fulfill your dream.

A failure is not somebody that tried but failed, a failure is a person who refused to try at all. Don’t get discouraged, get out of your comfort zone, see beyond any impossibility and make the resolution to achieve your dreams.

Image-Google Image

Wednesday, 15 January 2014


TEXT: GENESIS 13:14-15
“The lord said unto Abram after Lot had parted from him, lift up your eyes from where you are and look North and South, East and West. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring."
God called Abram and told him to look 

around that whatever he saw would be given to him and his offspring, this is so because you can only lay claim on what you can see. God was able to see beyond all He told Abram to look at, but He promised to bless Abram base on what he could see. God will only bless you with what you can see be it spiritually or physically. He will not do for you what you ought to do. God is all knowing, yet He wants us to exercise our faith to see beyond our problems. The scripture says God calls the thing that are not as though they were (Romans 4:17). We are His children; we can also exercise that power by calling our breakthrough into existence, by looking beyond our present limitation through the eyes of faith, and start to picture ourselves in our God ordained place of destiny.
The scripture says in Proverbs 23:7 that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. If you see yourself as a failure, that is what will happen. If you see yourself that you cannot do anything right, you will not be able to do it. But if by faith you see better days ahead in your future, things will continue to work for your good.
When God told Moses to send some men to explore the land of Canaan, they all came back with negative report that they cannot attack the people because they are like grasshopper in their eyes and in the eyes of the people. It was only Caleb that saw through the eyes of faith! “Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, FOR WE CAN CERTAINLY DO IT” (Numbers 13:30). The principle of what you see you can possess is applicable in our daily lives, if something is hidden far from where your eyes can see, there is no way you can touch or take it due to the fact that it is not visible to you. In this New Year, see beyond your doubt and limitations and begin to see ALL the good promises of God coming to pass in your life. God does not lie, He does not fail promises, all you need to do is to believe and have faith in Him. Things may be rough and though, but keep confessing positively, see not the problem and failure but the wonders of His glory that will be evident in your life.
When the lord Asked Jeremiah what he saw in Jeremiah 1:11-12, he replied God that he saw an Almond tree, and the Lord said he had seen well. God continued by saying “FOR I WILL HASTEN MY WORD TO PERFORM IT” (Jeremiah 1:12). If you want God to hasten His word to perform it in your life, you need to be seeing MIRACLES instead of OBSTACLES because it is what you see that you will possess.

Sunday, 12 January 2014


“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”
God has presented before us another 365 glorious days to walk with Him. This New Year is another opportunity to make amends and correct things that we did not do right in 2013. The lord said to Abram to walk with Him and be blameless (Genesis 17:1). The lord is calling on you this year to walk before Him and be blameless like Abram. We all claim the blessing of Abraham; but we often forget the price that Abraham paid (ABSOLUTE OBEDIENCE). The lord has loaded each day of this 2014 with benefits, for you to be a partaker of these blessings you have to be upright, your ways must be pleasing to Him.
Look back to the previous Year, What do you see? Failure, Fulfilment, or wasted opportunities? If you were fulfilled in the previous year, you can achieve better this year. Therefore do not rest on your oars. For your failure and wasted opportunities, God says in Joel 2:25 that “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten…” it is good to look back to see where you have missed it, but do not dwell too long in your past. Whether good or bad; do not get stuck in your past. 2013 has gone and can never be seen again, you have the privilege to make good use of 365 days in 2014 therefore all hope is not lost. Our text says “we should throw off EVERYTHING that hinders and the sin that EASILY entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” For you to walk before the lord and be blameless you need to do the following things:
THROW AWAY EVERYTHING THAT HINDERS, as a Christian running the race to heaven, you need to free yourself from any load that can hinder your movement. Bearing loads and burdens with you while running your Christian race would affect your success and your result. Do away with malice, anger, back-biting, hatred, jealousy, lies and all other works of the flesh.
AVOID SIN THAT EASILY ENTANGLES, sin is a reproach to believers. The scripture says God’s eyes are too pure to behold iniquity; you need to live a holy life to be at peace with God. God’s hands are not too short to save us but when sin sets in, it breaks the relationship between God and man, to partake in His blessing this year; stay off sin.
Lastly, you need PERSEVERANCE to run your Christian race. Without perseverance you may want to throw in the towel, because you would be faced with some challenges during the course of your heavenly race.
You need the Holy Spirit to help you to be rooted in Christ so that you will be able to stand the trial of faith that you would encounter on your way to your heavenly goal.

Take a stock of your life, look at what you need to MAINTAIN, what you need to IMPROVE ON, and what you NEED TO DO AWAY WITH, and take necessary steps to make the most of your time in 2014.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with ALL your heart.”
Seeking involves committing yourself with all seriousness to discover a particular thing. The result of your discovery depends on the level of commitment and zealousness you put into what you are seeking. If you commit quality time and resources, you will achieve greatly than a person that committed little or no effort. The length and the amount of time spent in seeking something makes a great difference in the result you would get. God made us to know how we can seek and find Him You will seek and FIND ME when you seek me WITH ALL YOUR HEART.” Therefore if you want to seek and find God, you need to seek Him with all your heart. Seeking God is not what you can do in a hurry, you need to commit your body, soul, and spirit and it has to be a continuous exercise. As long as you are still breathing you cannot have enough of Him! Therefore it is advisable to seek Him daily.
Some people only see the need to seek God when there is a problem, when they have a need to be met they come seeking God. This is wrong! Because they are not seeking God with all their hearts. They came seeking because of their needs, they want the gift but they are not interested in the giver of the gift. There are another set of people; they seek God when things are working well for them, if they encounter any problem along the line; they  will turn their back against  God believing that God has disappointed them.

Seeking God with all your heart means that in good and bad situation, you will not change your mind against God. This can be done when you are not serving Him for all the benefits you would get from Him, rather for Him being your creator, your Lord and your Saviour.
 To seek God with all your heart you have to prioritise Him above every other thing, study and live in obedience of His word. Trust him with all your heart and allow Him to lead you. Praise and worship Him and pray ceaselessly. Devote your time to love Him and spend quality time with Him, NOT BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU WANT HIM TO DO FOR YOU, BUT BECAUSE OF WHO HE IS.

Thursday, 2 January 2014


TEXT: MATTHEW 7: 7b, 8b
“Seek and you will find… He who seeks finds.” To seek is an attempt to find something that you need or something that is of great importance to you. You cannot invest your time seeking or looking for  something that you do not need or have passion for.
Seeking means making an attempt to locate or discover something that you do not have enough information or knowledge about. Therefore to seek entails searching with seriousness, purpose, and with understanding. We all seek after one thing or the other as we go through the journey of life, some seek knowledge, and some seek wealth and so on. We seek what is paramount and of great importance to us. What you seek shows where your love and treasures lies.
I don’t think there is anybody living on earth without the desire to seek for something of interest to him or her. The scripture says “seek and you will find, and he who seeks finds.” This brings us to the main reason for this message. At this juncture pause and ask yourself this question “WHAT AM I SEEKING?”  Are you seeking the right thing? The text says “HE WHO SEEKS FINDS it is certain that it is what you seek that you will find, you cannot find what you do not look for.
We need to be careful of what we seek for, you need to seek for the important things, and your time is too precious to be spent on things that are of no importance. 
Jesus told Martha in Luke 10:38-42 that Mary has chosen that which is important and NO ONE can take it from her.
In this New Year, seek that which is important (God) your primary assignment is to seek God; every other thing in this world is secondary because they are temporary. Wealth can vanish; positions and titles are not permanent. What you need that nobody can take from you is your sweet relationship with God. Please do not joke with it!
“If you are raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on earth.” (Colossians 3:1-2).

Seek the lord with all your heart this year, and leave Him to take care of your needs.


TEXT: 1 CORINTHIANS 1: 25, JUDGES 6: 11- 16 The dictionary defines foolishness as having or showing a lack of good sense, judgement, or d...