"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." (Isaiah 43:19).
We bless the name of the lord for making us to see the glorious year 2014, it is by His grace that we were not consumed by the enemies. We passed through every thick and thin of year 2013, but His mercy kept us and made it possible for us to overcome. Some people were not fortunate to see this day, but because His compassion never fails that is why we are still standing.
In this new year we should make sure that we do not waste any of our precious time doing what will not glorify God or add value to us. We have the chance to correct the mistakes of 2013. This is a dawn of a new day, you need to forget the failures, weaknesses, and disappointments you may have experienced in the out gone year and start on a new chapter in 2014. The lord has set before you future glory, success, miracles, Victories and unending promotion. The lord has a lot for you to enjoy this New Year, do not allow anything to rob you of your blessing and breakthrough. Use your time wisely and do not procrastinate, what you are suppose to do at a particular time should not be delayed for another time.
Spend more time with God this year, be hungry and thirst after God. The treasures and secrets to fulfilment is in God. Commit all your ways from the first day of this year to the last day to the lord, do not take any decision without asking him for guidance. Ask the lord for new wine (anointing) to carry on throughout this year. Do not forget to ask him for the grace to obey Him absolutely. Above all let His praise continually be on your lips, give thanks to Him in all situation. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
The spirit of the lord is on me, He has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.To proclaim the year of the lord's favour, and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who mourn in Zion. To bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, a garment of praise instead of mourning.
Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
JAMES 2:10-11
whoever keeps the law and yet stumbles at just one point, is breaking all of
it. For he who said, “Do not commit adultery, also said do not murder. If you
do don’t commit adultery but do commit murder, you have become a law breaker.”
What God requires of His children is ABSOLUTE obedience, and He would not
take anything less than that (Though He is a merciful God). God delights
himself in obedient children and not those that obey Him partially. As parents; we love all our children
but we show extra love to the child that listen to our instructions. This
applies to God, He loves all His creatures, but He shows extra love to all that
keeps His commandments. If you want to please God, you cannot choose what you
want to obey; obeying only the commandments that are convenient for you and
ignoring the “difficult” ones will be counted as disobedience to God. When God
told Moses to speak to the rock so that the Israelites can drink, Moses obeyed
God but not fully, he struck the
rock when the instruction was to speak
to the rock. This was counted against Moses as disobedience and was unable
to enter into the Promised Land.
In 1 Samuel 15:10-21 God was angry with Saul
for disobeying His commandment. Saul was sent to go and kill all the Amalekites
and wipe them off without leaving anything behind. Saul obeyed God by going on
the mission the lord assigned him, but his disobedience came when he got there
and kills some and brought back their king and they also brought back sheep and
cattle to sacrifice to the Lord. The instruction given to him was wipe them all
off, but he disobeyed by bringing things back for sacrifice when God did not
ask him for sacrifice. Lot and his wife are another example of people that obey
partially. They were told to leave Sodom without looking back. They flee Sodom
quite al right, but the wife disobeyed by looking back and she paid dearly for
God has laid down the commandments that we
need to follow so that we can be His children, and all that we need to do is to
follow it to the letter. “One act of disobedience is capable of rubbishing several
acts of obedience.” (Pastor E.A. Adeboye, volume thirteen 2013, Open Heavens
devotions). We are fond of saying
“God understands” without trying to attain perfection. Some joke that they are
not Virgin Mary or saints, therefore keeping all laws is impossible. They justify
themselves by saying “I am obedient in this and that, but the only weakness I
have is in this area of …. And God knows I have tried.” God wants us to be 100%
obedient. There is always a room for improvement, don’t stay at that level of
obedience, keep striving until you attain perfection. We all need His grace to
be able to do his will to perfection. May the lord bestow on us the spirit of
absolute obedience in Jesus name.
that the devil will use to draw us to perdition God will deal with by His
grace. If you obey all laws and you fail
in one, you have failed in all! May the lord help us to live in obedience in
Jesus name.www.vesselofpraisemusicministry.yolasite.com
Sunday, 15 December 2013
I am in Christ and not in crisis,
The lord has turned my groaning into glory,
I am a success and not a failure,
I am a message and not a mess,
I am a victor and not a victim,
For the lord has given me beauty for ashes,
And oil of gladness in place of sorrow.
I am in Christ and not in crisis,
I am created to dominate and
Not to be dominated,
My scars He has turned to stars,
And my obstacle into miracle,
He turned my mourning into dancing
And sorrow into joy.
For He anointed me with oil
Of gladness above my fellow.
I am in Christ and not in crisis,
Hard pressed on every side,
But not crushed. Perplexed,
But not in despair, persecuted,
But not abandoned, struck down,
But not destroyed for the Lord is my hiding place,
He will protect me from trouble and
Surround me with songs of deliverance.
Bola Praise
Copyright 2013
All right reserved.
Thursday, 12 December 2013
KINGS 19:7-8
angel of the lord came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and
eat for the journey is too much for you. So he got up and ate and drank.
Strengthened by that food, he travelled forty days and forty nights until he
reached Horeb, the mountain of God.”
Elijah had just had victory over the prophets
of Baal, and when Ahab told Jezebel about what happened; she was bent on
killing Elijah. Being devastated, weak and weary Elijah flee for his dear life.
“He came to a broom tree sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “ I have had
enough lord he said. Take my life, I am no better than my ancestors” (1 Kings 19: 4b-5). Instead of God
granting his prayer of frustration, God sent an angel to provide him with food,
after eating the food he was refreshed and strength came back to his weak body,
and he was able to continue on his long journey that he felt was over.
Elijah felt dejected and helpless; but in that
state of confusion God provided him help (He is a compassionate God). This is
an assurance that in that predicament, He has not left you to deal with it alone;
help is coming your way today in Jesus name.
There are some situations in life that makes
you wanting to throw in the towel, many times we think we don’t deserve what we
are going through, and we don’t see a way out of it. Therefore we settle for
the idea of taking a drastic decision like Elijah called on God to take his
Many people believe that it is better to end
their lives than to continue in the problem. The scripture says there is hope
for the living (Ecclesiastes 9: 4). God refreshed Elijah and restored back his
strength, if you call upon God to refresh you body, soul, and spirit, He would
give you strength to carry on your journey in life without getting tired or
weary, and He will find solution to that pressing issue.
Elijah was refreshed and reinvigorated, you too can be refreshed, call on Him
today, for His strength makes perfect in weakness.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
MATTHEW 6:31-33
“So do
not worry saying, what shall we eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what shall we
wear? For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly father knows
you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these
things will be given to you as well.”
God loves His children and He does not want us
to lack any good thing. He knows all our needs and He is always ready to
provide all our needs (Philippians 4:19). Nevertheless for the provisions to be
provided you need to seek Him FIRST, you
need to love him genuinely and obey all His commandments. Your heart should be
taken off the pleasures of this world and delight yourself in the lord ALWAYS.
Psalm 37:4 says “Delight
yourself in the lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Instead of seeking
God; many have wandered away from God in search of what to eat, drink, and wear
(they forgot that God has promised to supply all our needs according to His
riches). It is the blessing of God that makes riches and does not add sorrow,
wandering around looking for how to make ends meet may yield little or no
result, you may not have anything to show for your hard labour if you decline
to seek God first. Our text says seek first the kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and ALL OTHER THINGS
shall be added to you (these includes what you did not ask for). But people are
seeking other things and neglecting God, and this will only end in frustration!
If we can trust God with all our hearts and
let go of our will for His will, we wouldn't need to go through hardship in
life. One day of God’s favour is better than
many years of hard labour. He said in His word
that if you FULLY obey the lord your God and
carefully follow all His commands I give to you today, the lord your God will
set you high above all nation (Deuteronomy 28:1).
Stop struggling, seek the kingdom of God and
His righteousness and ALL OTHER THINGS shall be added to you
because He knows all your needs.
Sunday, 8 December 2013
The Voices
Stills you
Rushes you
Leads you
Pushes you
Re-assures you
Frightens you
Enlightens you
Confuses you
Comforts you
Worries you
Calms you
Obsesses you
Convicts you
Condemns you
Is sincere
Is deceptive
Directs you
Misleads you
Promotes you
Demotes you
Repairs you
Destroys you
Mends you
Breaks you
Gives life
Choose whose voice you want to hear.
Bola Praise
Bola Praise
© (2013)
All right reserved
Saturday, 7 December 2013
MATTHEW 7:13-14
can enter God’s kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is
broad, and its gate is wide FOR THE MANY WHO CHOOSE THAT WAY. 14 but the gateway to life is very narrow and the road
is difficult, AND ONLY A FEW EVER FIND IT.”
In the first part of this topic I explained
why the gate to the kingdom of God is narrow and why the road is difficult. I
also talked about the criteria for entering through the narrow gate (Holiness).
In this second part I want to talk about “The highway to hell is BROAD AND ITS GATE IS WIDE FOR
Unlike the first gate that is narrow and can
only contain one person at a time (because the Christian race is an individual
race). With many conditions to meet, and only few people gains access to it.
The broad way that leads to hell is free
without any restriction, no code of conduct, no criteria to meet, no rules and
regulations, in fact it is a place of lawlessness! It is a place where all
manner of bad behaviours are accepted, you are allowed to enjoy your free will
on earth (To go face the nemesis in hell). You can enter this gate with as many
people as you want (That is why it is broad). The entrance gate to hell is wide
enough that people can go in convoy; friends can go in together, husbands and
wives, colleagues at work E.T.C. the gate is for multitude of unrepentant
sinners. Many things that take people to go in through this broad road are things
that look good, pleasant and attractive to our flesh. We all love things that
gives comfort but if care is not taken, those things that give comfort can lead
someone to hell. If we have an opportunity in choosing from going through a
hard task and choosing an easy task, we would all jump for the easy one;
because nobody loves doing anything that is cumbersome when you have an easy
alternative. Looking at it from human point of view it is easier to go through
the broad way and the wide gate where there is no restriction, and where
nothing will hinder your movement; because the way is broad enough for easy
movement. Most of the time whatever comes easy does not stand the test of
time, the value of a thing determine the price that will be placed on it.
Things of low value will attract low price and vice versa. When you look at the
rewards and all that you will enjoy when you get to heaven, you would see that
the price is worth paying (Nothing good comes easy). Many people are still postponing the day of
their salvation, many are “saved” but they are still engaging in sin. If the
trumpet sounds today and you are caught in sin, those days of your holy living may
not save you. Let us live each day
as if it is our last day on earth. May the good and merciful God give us the
grace to live above sin in Jesus name.
Stop at this point! Look at yourself and
evaluate your life, what are those things you are doing that are contrary to
holy living? These are things that can make people to tread on the broad way
and end up going through the wide gate. God is a merciful God; He said if we
confess our sin and depart from it, He is faithful and just to forgive us
(1John 1:9).
road you take today will determine your gate of entrance and your gate of
entrance determines your eternal destination (choose right today).
Go to
God with sincerity of heart and ask for forgiveness, you have the opportunity
to make amends while you are still living, tomorrow may be too late remember
there is no repentance in the grave! (Hebrew 9:27).
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Thursday, 5 December 2013
MATTHEW 7:13-14
“You can enter God’s kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide FOR THE MANY WHO CHOOSE THAT WAY . 14 but the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, AND ONLY A FEW EVER FIND IT.”
Inasmuch as our God is sovereign and all powerful, yet he does not impose or shove anything on us. He has the power to enforce anything on us His creatures, yet He gave us the autonomy to make choice. If you study the scripture; you would observe that when God was speaking to the people of Israel, He told them the benefit of obeying him and the consequences of their disobedience; He would then leave the ball in their court. Whatever choice you make today will impinge on your future. God will not force anything on you; He will not impose His will on you (even though He knows better than you). He will only analyse to you the cause and effect of any action you take.
The text describes the way to the kingdom of God as narrow, this is because the kingdom of God is not for all and sundry, it is for those that are sanctified, those that are separated from the world and unto God. For example; having an international passport in most cases does not guarantee you entry to every country. What guarantees you is having the country’s visa stamped on your passport. If your international passport is not stamped with the visa of the country you want to visit, you may be denied access to the country, except if the country is a visa free country. The only access to the kingdom of God is HOLINESS (difficult road). Holy living is the visa that you need to gain entry to the kingdom of God (Without holiness no one can see God. Hebrew 12:14).
All believers have the “passport” (accepting Jesus as your personal lord and saviour). But it does not end there; you need to work out your salvation with fear and trembling by living holy, so that you can gain entry to His kingdom. The road to the kingdom of God is difficult because there are rules
guiding you on how to walk on the road. These rules are the opposite of what
our flesh is craving for. For you to walk the road successfully you need to
walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-17).
Our visa to see God is HOLINESS and God will not bring down His standard for anything that is why He made the gate to His kingdom to be narrow because many people will not enter it. May the lord count us among the few that will enter through the narrow gate in Jesus name.
You would be scrutinised properly before you would be given entrance to the narrow gate, you cannot rush in, you cannot go in convoy, none of your family member can go in with you base on your on account, except if they meet the criteria. We will all stand alone and give account and be examined before we would be allowed in. The race to heaven is a personal race, there is no group judgement, and the gate is made to be narrow so that there won’t be escape for anybody by running in or dodging in with friends and family. There is order in heaven, so we will all be on a straight line and wait for the judgement. Going in through the narrow gate cannot be achieved through our human effort and wisdom; we need the grace and mercy of God to be able to reign with Him. Ask for the grace and mercy to please Him today, SO THAT YOU CAN ENTER THROUGH THE NARROW GATE.
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“You can enter God’s kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide FOR THE MANY WHO CHOOSE THAT WAY . 14 but the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, AND ONLY A FEW EVER FIND IT.”
Inasmuch as our God is sovereign and all powerful, yet he does not impose or shove anything on us. He has the power to enforce anything on us His creatures, yet He gave us the autonomy to make choice. If you study the scripture; you would observe that when God was speaking to the people of Israel, He told them the benefit of obeying him and the consequences of their disobedience; He would then leave the ball in their court. Whatever choice you make today will impinge on your future. God will not force anything on you; He will not impose His will on you (even though He knows better than you). He will only analyse to you the cause and effect of any action you take.
The text describes the way to the kingdom of God as narrow, this is because the kingdom of God is not for all and sundry, it is for those that are sanctified, those that are separated from the world and unto God. For example; having an international passport in most cases does not guarantee you entry to every country. What guarantees you is having the country’s visa stamped on your passport. If your international passport is not stamped with the visa of the country you want to visit, you may be denied access to the country, except if the country is a visa free country. The only access to the kingdom of God is HOLINESS (difficult road). Holy living is the visa that you need to gain entry to the kingdom of God (Without holiness no one can see God. Hebrew 12:14).
All believers have the “passport” (accepting Jesus as your personal lord and saviour). But it does not end there; you need to work out your salvation with fear and trembling by living holy, so that you can gain entry to His kingdom.
Our visa to see God is HOLINESS and God will not bring down His standard for anything that is why He made the gate to His kingdom to be narrow because many people will not enter it. May the lord count us among the few that will enter through the narrow gate in Jesus name.
You would be scrutinised properly before you would be given entrance to the narrow gate, you cannot rush in, you cannot go in convoy, none of your family member can go in with you base on your on account, except if they meet the criteria. We will all stand alone and give account and be examined before we would be allowed in. The race to heaven is a personal race, there is no group judgement, and the gate is made to be narrow so that there won’t be escape for anybody by running in or dodging in with friends and family. There is order in heaven, so we will all be on a straight line and wait for the judgement. Going in through the narrow gate cannot be achieved through our human effort and wisdom; we need the grace and mercy of God to be able to reign with Him. Ask for the grace and mercy to please Him today, SO THAT YOU CAN ENTER THROUGH THE NARROW GATE.
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Tuesday, 3 December 2013
“Besides, who would patch old clothing with new cloth? For the new patch would shrink and rip away from the old cloth, leaving and even bigger tear than before. And no one puts new wine into old wineskin, for the old skins would burst from the pressure, spilling the wine and ruining the skins. New wine is stored in new wineskin so that both are preserved.”
There is a popular slogan that retail shops are using to make their customers to engage in impulse buying (buying what they did not have plan to buy). This slogan is called “MIX AND MATCH” this means combining things that are not related .This implies that you are at the liberty of pairing together what you would like to buy in the shop. You can choose from different styles, brands, colours and textures that are available. There is no restriction on the choice you can make. For example if a particular ladies suit is supposed to be sold by pairing Red top with black trouser, during mix and match offer; you can decide to match your desired colours together by picking different colours or style to suit your purpose.

However as a new being in Christ; you should be different from who you were before meeting with the lord, your body should be offered to God as a living sacrifice, your mind should be renewed and void of any unholy thoughts. A new man should not borrow from his or her past life (Old man). Your old man should be dead as your new man comes alive. “As obedient children do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance.” (1 Peter 1:14). Some claims they are believers, but their character and way of life is like that of unbelievers, when they talk; there is no reflection of God in their conversations. These category of “believers” are those that are borrowing from their past (Mixing and matching the old and new man). Borrowing from your past life by going back to those bad habits you had renounced the day you gave your life to Christ is like patching new cloth with an old cloth, and pouring new wine into an old wineskin, and the result may be dangerous. Don’t mix the old man with the new man. Both cannot live peacefully together in the same abode which is your body. “No man can serve two masters... (Matthew 6:24). The day you gave your life to Christ marked the day the Holy Spirit took His abode in you; you cannot match light with darkness. Therefore live as children of light (Ephesians 5:8).
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Sunday, 1 December 2013
Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, "Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him."
The Christmas season is significantly known to be a season of exchange of gifts. Friends and family give gifts to each other, people are anxious in anticipation to unwrap their gifts to see what gift they have gotten.
Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, the irony of this season is that instead of the celebrant to be given gift, we are the one getting gifts. That is what God used the birth of Jesus for; he is the gift of God to all mankind. The wrapped gift that we get from friends and families does not give us everlasting joy, the anxiety and happiness does not last forever. Over time; you may get tired of the Christmas gift and start thinking of having another thing, the joy and the eagerness of getting a new gift fades with time. The Joy that Jesus gives to those that believes in him can never end, it last and last forever. Jesus as an everlasting gift to mankind is a gift that you cannot finish “unwrapping.” By the time you get closer to him, he will be introducing himself to you in different ways. (2Cor 9:15) “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift” You cannot get tired of the gift of God (Jesus) to mankind; that is why the scripture says in Luke 1:33 that his kingdom shall be forever, it will never end.
Jesus Christ will forever be relevant; he can never be out of date neither can he be out of fashion! Unlike other gift that we get from friends and family, they can be outdated with time, they can be broken or damaged.
Jesus brought to us love, peace, joy, so that we can spread this love to others around us.
He wants us to use this season of his birth to give the gift of love, peace, hope, joy and reconciliation to people around us. You may buy expensive gift for people, and the gift may not meet their need, or they may not value it as you expected. Showing them the love of God by introducing them to Christ and reconciling the lost back to their maker would make a great difference that would affect their eternity.
Jesus wants us to use this season to reconcile ourselves back to him, make amends of your ways. Accept him with all your heart, serve him more, and renew your vow of love with him. May the blessing of this season be for us and our household in Jesus name.
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